Catoctin Hiking/Camping Post #3
The Redskins don't have a home game that weekend and my husband and I love to camp. Depending on the weather I think we would be very up to camping out with you guys. We just went camping this past weekend so at least all of our camping gear is ready to go. I was not planning on bringing my daughter up for the hike, but will most likely go get her afterwards so she can sleep out with us. My husband works Sat evenings so if this is a go, I will have him put in to take the evening off. I am game for bringing just about anything you need me to bring. It will be cold out so please remember to plan for warm clothing to sleep in and such. We don't have a fireplace, but I can stop and get some firewood..that will definitely be a necessity.
Welcome aboard!!
I didn't even think about wood so thanks for reminding me. I have about one cord behind my house that's been there since I quit burning fires. That may have been 5 or more years ago. It may be rotted and what isn't may burn fast but at least it is a good excuse to get it out of my yard.