Happy Saturday
I know we need the rain, but gosh this is getting depressing. Actually, I believe we had a little bit of hail a little while ago. My (brilliant) cat was sitting on the window ledge trying to chase the hail (which might have just been large rain drops).
I hope everyone has fun planned for the weekend, with the emphasis on indoor activity, of course. I am actually working most of the weekend. It's the curse of retail. But, will enjoy a day off on Tuesday, hopefully with no rain.
Kristin, how is Aimee feeling? Aime how are you feeling?? I hope that both Aimee and Aime are feeling much better!!!
Good morning Kathy! I am feeling better. Of course, I am having a decent coughing spell right now. I know this is a good thing as it is getting the crud out of me. I think a few more days and I should be as good as I ever was. LOL
My niece that I haven't seen in 2 years is here sleeping on my couch. I am taking her to the airport later today. She is moving back with her Mom in Iowa. When she walked in the house, her eyes just lit up. She was amazed to see me. She had heard I had lost a lot of weight, but didn't expect that I had gotten so small. I hope that seeing me will inspire her to work on her own obesity issue. She is still young in her early 20's. We talked a litle about how I have changed my eating habits over the last year. I hope she decides to try some of the suggestions I gave her. She tends to o the opposite of anything I suggest in a rebellion mode.
I am planning a nice quiet weekend. I am going to continue to rest and get over this bronchial thing. I hope everyone has a great weekend.
The love of my OH Family has me humbled!!!!
Hi Kathy
It's Saturday evening and we just got back from our dinner out with the couple we go out with most Saturday nights. We had a fun time. There's always joking and teasing that goes on .. Wendy & I versus Mr Mo and Jeff .. and then the 3 of them teeasing me .. or some combination of ganging up on the others. By the time we get home, I generally 'hurt' from laughing so hard.
Mr Mo and I got moving and out of the house about 11:30 this morning to run to Wawa and to the mall (for me to get my glasses adjusted) and to Sam's club. We went into Annapolis Mall at the Sears end and walked to Lenscrafters, I got my glasses taken care of, then we walked the rest of the way up to Nordstrom, stopped at the pet store to peek at the puppies on the way back toward Sears. I stopped at the XM radio kiosk to see what they had to replace my XM receiver and we ended up buying two complete new units. We got Mr Mo a pretty nifty new one .. and mine is just really simple but they had a rebate thing going plus a buy one get this other one free thing going on. So now I have reliable XM in Big Blue and I'm a happy camper. By the time we got home from the mall and Sam's it was after 4.
So far no plans for tomorrow. Maybe I'll get back to work on the quilt. I need to finish the sides so the top is done and them figure out where I am going to lay it out to pin it and start tie-ing it.
Hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend.
Hugs, Mo
Comparison is the thief of joy!
If we spend our time comparing our life/weight loss/body to others, we totally miss what WE have accomplished. Keep in mind how far you have come and what you can do now that you couldn't do weeks/months/years ago. I hate the expression " It's all good", but in this case it fits! Wherever you are in your journey ... It's ALL good!!!