We have some improvement
Hi all, first thank you to each of you *****sponded to my last post, Just the fact that you'll took the time to shoot me a reply made me feel better- thank you sooo much.
Finally today I am pleased to say I started to feel better. Of course this would only be b/c I see the Dr tommorow (Murphy's Law).
Due to surgery I had to get one of my Depression meds swtiched to tablets and and it was taking longer than expected (mail order prescritpion). Well Come to find out the A-holes apparently left me a voicemail the day after my surgery telling me that I can open the casules I have and taken it in applesauce something- Needless to say never got the message and have just been waiting for the meds in the mail. I was sharing this with my friend who happens to be on the same med and she tells me how she was ready to got to the ER after 2 missed dosages. Apparently this has been contributing to my bad nausea and light headedness. Can yo say DUH, I feel sooo dumb for not realizing that. I soo totally know better. So I have gotten 2 days of meds and in and liek I said I finally feel somewhat ok. Thank you GOD.
Hope everyone is well and again thanks for being there and being who you all are. AWESOME
That actually explains a lot. I was waiting on the mail order pharmacy for depression meds and diabetes meds as I took extended release of both. They sent me the brand name of the depression meds because the XR pill is fairly small. No problem swallowing it. Feeling much better myself now that the Wellbutrin is back in my system. I wonder if they'll take back a huge unopened bottle of liquid Metformin?