Sister Aimee
Aimee is doing much worse today. They have her taking the Zofram every 4 hours and still not helping with the nausea. POOR THING! She is doing the "What have I done to myself and crying. I have so been there and wish there was something I could do. She talk to Dr. Gandsas at 3am and told her to up the Zofram from 6 and then told her she may need to go to the ER. She is hating life and not getting in much fluid. PLEASE PRAY!
Any LapBand patient that can give her some hope, I have been e-mailing the post to her. Thank you
Hugs Kristen
I didn't have the band I had the RNY but I can soooo sympathize with the nausea and vomiting stuff. I've had chronic nausea and vomiting since day 1 (12 weeks out now) I am currently on Zofran, Phennergan, Reglan and Carafate. I have had soo many "what the heck have I done" moments it's not funny. I even had a PICC line with TPN for the first 8 weeks. I now have a gtube to do my feedings and what not. Please let her know that she's not alone and if she needs to talk to someone who has been there and is there I can listen. :)
Oh, geez, Kristen, I wish there was something we could do for her. At least we can pray!! The poor thing! I'll let Heather Mod-i know, she's a bandster and has lots of experience. She won't be able to get to you till tonight, but I will let her know.
Let me know if there's anything I can do!
Hang in there - and you, too, Aime!!!!
Kristen, I hope she gets better. Does walking help her or make her worse? I have been on both Zofran and Phenergan while pregnant (due to extreme morning sickness to the point of partial placenta previa and bleeding, sorry TMI) it is such a violent feeling. With Zofran, I noticed that I felt even more violent than when I didn't take any medication just about moment it was losing its effect but Phenergan made me sleepy. Is there any chance she might be able to try sucking on ginger candy (sugar coated dry ginger)? It just gives a lesser sense of nausea. Tell her we are praying for her and I seriously wish tomorrow you will write to use that she has begun feeling much better. Ellie
Unfortunately I do not have any advise for your sister but please let her know that I am praying she finds a remedy and healing soon! I had a lot of nausea in the beginning too. I didn't take a lot of medication because i didn't have an vomiting (never have been one to that voluntarily, usually have to force myself - only 4 times in my life I have thrown up without assistance, 2 pregnancies, food got stuck once after rny and then with this last surgery the anestesia made me violently ill). Make sure she keeps communicating with her doctor. She doesn't want to get dehydrated on top of everything else!
Hugs, Robin
Life is great! Learn to love, laugh and have fun everyday; for each day is a gift from God!!!
272/150 down 122 lbs!!! WOW!!
272/150 down 122 lbs!!! WOW!!
Poor kid! My doc told me the biggest problem the first week was dehydration. She must try to get the fluids in an ounce or two per hour. Warm drinks help at first because you are very swollen and the band is tight and warmth seems to make things looser. I drank a fair amount of hot tea during my first couple of days home. I also drank room temperature Gatorade for the added stuff.
The nausea will pass. Mine did by Saturday morning after being banded on Tuesday. They may have put something in my IV for it in the hospital, but I didn't take anything once I got home. I did have a lot of burping, dry heaves and heartburn at first. They told me to take Pepcid at the hospital and the problem went away.
If she can't even get a couple of ounces per hour in, she probably does need to be back at the hospital.
Tell her it does get better. Kristen, if she wants to talk, give her my phone number.
Can she keep anything down at all. I would suggest that she sip on some warm liquids very slowly. Take two or three sips and then relax. With the Lapband there is a lot of swelling initially and that can take weeks before it goes completely down. I was really nausious for about a week. I could not drink anything cold or too hot. At first I could only take a few sips of chicken broth and that lasted me for hours. Also what type of pain meds is she on. Sometimes pain meds can cause nausea when you don't have any food in your system. Hope she is doing better now. If you need any more information, don't hesitate to contact me.