DVR/Dr. Mo Patients
Hey all - I've been reading with dismay the posts about the customer service (or lack thereof) at GBMC's COMP program. Now, keep in mind that the practice has grown tremendously since I had my surgery in August 2005, and there's been an incredible turnover in front office staff. Having said that, DVR has worked really hard to build a solid practice and would hate to hear what's being said about his program. So yesterday, I called and talked to Kathy, DVR's nurse, and told her what I've been hearing. She pretty much knew about the complaints, but was dismayed to learn it had reached these boards. They're trying really hard to straighten things out, and ask that everyone have some patience, which I told her is practically impossible when you're waiting for a life-altering decision. Anyway, if you're not already, I suggest that you start keeping documentation of who you talked to, when, details, etc. This will help you speak intelligently should a problem arise. I know it's not much comfort, but they are committed to good patient care and want our feedback. Take notes, keep in mind that for some of us, the process is a lengthy one and call Kathy if it gets really bad. Hang in there - Rome wasn't built in a day, and we didn't get overweight overnight!!! Tia
Darla - You're right of course, and I feel sooooooooo bad for Kathy. I was so fortunate to have DVR calling to check on me himself once I was discharged, because I was having more pain than normal with the JP drain/tubing. I know he's still committed to providing quality care, but their front office is, after, all, reflective of them. I called Kathy yesterday a.m. at 9:30 and she didn't get back to me until after 5. Now granted, once I got a live person, had I said I was having problems, I think I would've gotten an immediate response. Next time you call, try to manipulate the automated system so a live person picks up. Sometimes, you have to do whatever is necessary!!! Hopefully, Kathy will get back to you soon. If not, pick up that phone! Tia
The love of my OH Family has me humbled!!!!