Barium Sallow
That was the highlight of my day, lets not do that EVER again. It was negative, nothing there. Everything looked great. So back to my puree for a week and my reglan. I think things will get a little better. Only tight in the chest once today and pasted after two hours.
Hugs Kristen
I thank God today for not letting me barf on the radiologist, again it is the little things we are greatful for.
I'm glad they didn't find anything (I hope that's good). I feel so bad for you. I wish I could wave the magic wand and fix you . Keep the faith.
Good thoughts are coming your way.
April ...My Cup Runneth Over
" Life may not be the party we hoped for,
but while we're still here we may as well dance." ... Andy Rooney
Hi Kristin, Well, negative means something good, even though it's not an answer to what has been going on. Glad to hear that the plumbing is working ok . Hopefully this last week of puree will help you get past this bump in the road, and you can get on to full healing and lots more losing.
I look forward to meeting you at the walk on the 20th!