Home and banded!!!
Kristen, thanks for posting.
I am one of the rare birds who had complications from lap band surgery. I actually sailed through the surgery but apparently had the beginnings of congestion in my lungs that I didn't know about, so I developed some serious oxygenation problems in the hours after surgery, mimicking a blood clot. I am so happy I went with the doctor and hospital I went with!! Bayview and Schweitzer and his team deserve a big round of applause.
I was unclear in my message to Kristin in that I didn't have to be in the ICU -- they threatened , though!! Dr. S. made them re-install the Foley (yuck!!), though profusely apologized for putting me through that again. Multiple IV's, shots, etc. later, I am here and was okay to go home today. I'll write more when I get time. The last couple of days have been rough!
Edie I am soooo glad you are home, I will keep you in my prayer. You did sound just a little drunk on my answering machine and I thought I hear that but was not sure but DH said NO she is in ICU. Maybe he was drunk, I really do not know but maybe I should be drunk. ANYWAY, GET WELL! Call me if you need anything or just need to chat.
Hugs Kristen
Hi Edie,
so glald to hear that you are home and doing much bettter. Dr. S is great, isn't he? He really looks out for his patients. When I went for my bloodwork, my iron was low, so he increased my iron dosage and I had to return in a month. My iron went up, but he wants me to come back in another month to make sure it is under control. It really puts me at ease knowing that he is my (and your) treating doc.
I'm sure your daughter is glad to have you home and is playing nurse like my girls did. How old is Madeline? My girls are 9 and 10. Now I can keep up with them and even outrun them!!
I hope you continue to feel better and perhaps we'll see you at the walk next week!
~~ Trish
Welcome home. I'm glad you're feeling better. You have a good team of doctors. Keep up the good work. You are in my prayers.
Welcome to the Losers' Bench. We are on our way .
April ...My Cup Runneth Over
" Life may not be the party we hoped for,
but while we're still here we may as well dance." ... Andy Rooney