Is anyone going to walk on October 20th with Team Bayview? I see Dr. S and Dr. Steele are signed up to walk also. I plan on walking; they have the 1 mile and 3 mile walks. So how about it? If you had your surgery at Bayview, why don't you try to make it down to Camden yards? You can sign up at www.walkfromobesity.kintera.org I haven't signed up yet, but I will be. . . . . .hey Jo, are you still in? It looks like they are trying to recruit 50 and are still close to 20+ people short. I think we should all walk 1) because it's easier for us to walk now!, 2) because it's a way of saying 'thank you' to everyone at Bayview who helped us, and 3) it's a great cause; for all of the newbies we haven't met yet who this surgery and obesity education can help.
I'm going to try. It all depends if I can talk DH into going to the St. Mary's Oyster Festival later in the day, rather than earlier. It'll only be 12 days after my surgery, but I can probably walk 3 miles now, so there's no reason to believe I can't walk at least 1 mile then. Do you think the Bayview people would get too freaked out if I showed up to walk??