The "last supper" and official "before" picture
My surgeon does not require a pre-op diet, so tonite we had our official "last supper." We went to a small French restaurant in Severna Park. We'd never been there before (and it wasn't as inexpensive as we'd hoped), but it was really good and worth a return trip. I didn't do anything that egregious. I got French onion soup as an appetizer and steak au poivre for my entree. Although the servings were pretty small (they usually are at French restaurants), I couldn't finish either of them. I did yield to the dessert cart, but again, the servings were small. And I did have a couple of glasses of champagne. DH ordered a bottle and we toasted my future success with the band and said he was behind me 100% and planned to lose his extra poundage right along with me (though he's not overweight enough for insurance to cover WLS for him).
DH and I are sort of gourmands. Dinner tonite made me realize (again) just how much life will be changing at Chez McGee in the next few days. But what's necessary is necessary.
DH took this picture as my official "before" picture. We're going to take all progress pictures with Madeline in them so you all can see how much she is growing (at least in height, as she's a skinny mini) while I'm shrinking.

Hi Edie. I think it is a great idea to do that with the picture. It will be fun to watch the changes in both of you. I think that you will find as time goes on after your wls that you can still be enjoying your foods very much. But you will be very French indeed with the smaller portion size. But I think you will enjoy the food just as much if not more. I wish you all the best as you start your journey and will keep you in my prayers for an uneventful surgery and full and complete recovery. If you start to get nervous just remind yourself that you are in the best of hands with Dr. S as your surgeon. Hugs. Jo
You and your daughter are beautiful. It will be fun to watch you both change as time goes on. Of course I wish you all the best. You are on a roll!
If you need to talk or just vent or need some TLC, just email me. I'll be around.

April ...My Cup Runneth Over
" Life may not be the party we hoped for,
but while we're still here we may as well dance." ... Andy Rooney
Best wishes for an uneventful surgery and recovery period! I love the idea of the pictures! I didn't give that much thought to regular/interval pictures - I have just been getting someone to snap one here or there randomly on days when I see a difference. I wish I had done each month on the surgi-versary day. But I do have some from Christmas (I started my pre-op diet Jan 6th) that serve as my "before" pics. So it's all documented! :)
What a fantastic picture Edie! My mother has had a book about Frenh eating for a while about why the French aren't heavy. She said it has to do with eating the smaller amounts. I have learned that a taste is all I need. You will find the portions at that restaurant to be too much in just a few short days.
Congrats on your day!!!
The love of my OH Family has me humbled!!!!
Thanks for all the kind words and good wishes. The deed gets done starting at 11:50 a.m. tomorrow, which means I'll be waking up in recovery right about now. Madeline (who has a teachers' in-service day today) and I have been out running errands since 10:00 -- to Curves, to the P.O., the cleaners, the podiatrist (who said my feet looked great!), the pharmacy, the manicurist (for toes, not fingers), Home Depot, and our local vegetable stand (to buy a pumpkin for the porch, since I sure won't be lifting one for a while). I'm gonna get off this computer and clean up the house a bit now so that Kevin can maintain it okay while I'm down for the count.