Happy Friday Eve!!
Hey Traci -
It's not a new puppy - Happy is a guided missile on a leash!!! After we lost poor Molly the Beagle at the end of August, we were so lonely and missing her so much - Mom and Dad are both retired and at home all day - I started looking on line at petfinder.com. It's linked to a bunch of rescue sites, and you can enter your criteria - in my case, I put small, female, young (not a puppy), housebroken, etc., and up popped this little cutie named.....Molly. She's a 1 year old Jack Russell terrier, chihuahua, beagle mix, about 12 pounds, black and tan, and completely spastic. I had to apply to adopt her and was talking with her foster mom for about a week before they did a home visit. The poor little thing had been thrown from a car in Salisbury, and subsequently hit by the next car and left on the side of the road. Her rescuer took her to a vet, got her rabies, had her x-rayed, which revealed only bad bruising, and then he hooked her up with the rescue. I couldn't imagine calling another dog Molly, so I asked the foster mom if we could change it without harming the dog, and she said yes. So after hearing stories of how bouncy and loveable she was, I named her Happy. It truly fits her!! She is the sweetest little thing. We took her to the vet's last night - they said she's about a year old, so no longer considered a puppy, but you sure can't tell by the way she acts!!! She does "carpet swimming," where she lays down, and kind of crawls with her front paws, dragging the rest of her body behind her!! She's very, very active, loves to walk me on her leash, loves to take me to the park and loves to eat. She obviously was fed table food, because when we eat, she dances!!! We didn't get her to replace Molly, no dog could do that, but she has certainly lightened our hearts. She loves kids, but is still kind of skittish, which is understandable after all she's been through!!!! Heather Mod-i will eventually put some pics up for me so you can see her.
Have a great time in OC - the weather is going to be great!!!! Thanks for the wishes about the interview, hopefully it'll be next week or early the following. It's just sooooo time to leave Pikesville!!!
Have a great weekend!
Hey Traci
We are leaving sometime Sunday (on no particular schedule) for Charlotte and our October jaunt to Lowes Motor Speedway. Usually we would leave on Saturday night and drive sort of overnight (stopping to snooze) and arriving at the track Sunday a.m. before noon, but we need to get the RV into the dealer t here for a few things and want to have that done on Monday so there's no point in getting there and setting things up. Besides, Mr Mo is 'scan man' tomorrow which means he's got the late shift and we really won't know what time he will be home until he gets home!!! We will be gone the week, coming home on Monday 10/15. I am soooo in need of this trip to just unwind and relax. I'm sure we will putter around some and not just veg, but it will still be good to be away from home. Lefty's got his little kitty bag all packed so we don't leave him behind . He's actually going to have to stay with us in the Blazer on Monday with the RV is at the dealer and go with us everywhere we go .... that may seriously hamper our adventures on Monday.
Before we started going to Charlotte in October we spent the long weekend in Ocean City for years because it generally would coincide with Mr Mo's birthday. I love the car show and watching the boardwalk parade of hot rods.
Enjoy your weekend. See you when I get back.
Hugs, Mo
Comparison is the thief of joy!
If we spend our time comparing our life/weight loss/body to others, we totally miss what WE have accomplished. Keep in mind how far you have come and what you can do now that you couldn't do weeks/months/years ago. I hate the expression " It's all good", but in this case it fits! Wherever you are in your journey ... It's ALL good!!!
The car show was fun! Lots of sun, walking, one caramel apple (that's why I go to OC - figure it's better than Thrasher's fries!). Tons of beautiful cars. Got plenty of pics. Hope your week away goes well and that Lefty cooperates on Monday. Let us know how it goes.
"Ours not to reason why, Ours but to do and die". Alfred Lord Tennyson