Return from Revision
Well, it has been quite a while since I have written, but I think a few of you have heard from my husband. And I explained everything I went through to Cira -- who, by the way, coaxed me to come back. I wasn't planning on returning to OH, basically because 1) I didn't want to scare anyone away from having the surgery and 2) I am not a big fan of the surgery and what it has done for me to this point... maybe in a few months my outlook will change, but things are still fresh at this point.
If anyone remembers my posts in June/July.. I found out that my staple line had been completely disrupted, basically reversing my entire surgery I had in April. Well -- my doctor scheduled me for my "revision". I went in on 8/7, and it all went downhill from there. I woke up from surgery that evening, and the following morning they gave me some fluids to drink, which I quickly vomitted back up. They let it go and tried more the following day -- same thing happened. They let it go until Sunday, when they called my family in a consultation room and told them they needed to take me in and open me back up. My husband apparently went ballistic (they were keeping me sedated, so I had no clue what was going on). I guess they had made my enastamosis (sp?) too small -- that is where your pouch is connected to your large intestine, and it was swollen shut, so I couldn't pass anything through. They then took me in for another surgery, at which point I developed pneumonia, from aspirating fluid into my lungs. My husband says that when I came out of this surgery, I looked horrible. He says my entire body was grey, and my lips and under my nails was blue. He said I looked dead -- and that it took everything he had to look at me. He told me the only way he could tell I was alive was because he could see my eyeballs moving under my eyelids. By this time they had completely intubated me.. because I was unable to breathe on my own. They then did countless x-rays and endoscopies after this surgery, gave me a blood transfusion, put a central line, and feeding tube in my neck.
Then, when they thought I was starting to get better... the enastamosis swelled shut again.. and I was at square 1. They did more endoscopies, and they said that the edema (or swelling) would just have to go away on its own. THEN.. my pouch stopped responding. They way they explained it to me was -- a normal stomach will start churning when something is put into it.. well mine did nothing.. no movement.. which they had to start giving me medicines for -- to make it work. 28 days after my revision surgery date, everything started working again, and they let me go home.
It has been a hard road to haul. I ended up losing 40 lbs in the hospital, but was it all worth it??? My husband and family was put through hell.. my kids almost ended up without a mother. I'm not knocking the surgery... but I really wish I hadn't done any of it. I am emotionally scarred, and I'm not sure it's going to get any better. As far as my health is concerned, my incision is still open in one small spot, and it still hurts a bit. I vomit all of the time now. I am working on trying to get that issue resolved -- But I'm here.. I guess that's what counts.
I thank all of you for your support. My husband wrote to a few of you, and he actually never got to see the responses -- as I JUST read them a little while ago.
Kelly G.
P.S. I haven't lost any more weight since Labor Day weekend.. could it be that my body is just holding on to weight since I lost 40lbs so quickly??? I'm hoping this "stall" passes quickly -- as I am a bit paranoid, given the past cir****tances.
Kelly G,
I kept reading about people wondering how youare and i didn't even know you. I am soooooooo sorry yet hopefui for your recovery. Thank G-d your family still has you, I wish you the brighter days. Wre all hear that the surgery has risks of its own and yet we think Nah! I wouldn't be one of those. I am just hoping that your healing process picks up pace and wish you speedy recovery. Have faith and I wish to see you bypassing all these and writing to us in a year or so saying"I wnet through h... and back" but now I am fine, healed and am losing the way I want!
Take Care and write to us about your healing process!
You are going to be in my thoughts and hopes
WOW, I would have to feel the same way about WLS too after all of that. Kelly I can say nothing too take away your pain. I will pray for you and your family. I have a little girl and that would have put her on the moon. WOW my heart goes to you. I pray that you will be well soon and that everything turns out as a possitive. Have you thought about a second opinion with another WL surgeon, just to see what there input might be?
Hugs Kristen
PS Keep posting so we know how you are doing, this has really touched me.
As far as second opinions go.. my husband did that 2 and 3 times while I was at Georgetown. He had quite a few doctors review everything they did to me, to give him their opinion (especially right before they had to operate the third time). He even went to patient advocacy, and requested they find me a new doctor (but then I started getting better).
Kelly G.
I'm glad you decided to come back and share your experience. It's important that everyone know that WLS is not some easy thing and glorious surgery. Your story and experiences may help other're NOT the only one to have these're just BRAVE enough to share them Thank you...and may God bless you and your family during this difficult time.
I live in Lexington Park and work on Solomons Island...if you ever want to meet and chat just let me know!
~Sexy YaYa~