What I have learned in this process is that the most important thing is to find out is the plan is a self funded or a fully funded. Fully funded (HMO type) plans are required by law in Maryland to cover the surgery. However, if it is a self funded (basically meaning the ins co only writes the policy and then your company is the one that actually pays it) then it is covered by ERISA which is the federal ins laws. If this is the case then they are exempt from the state law, as federal trumps state. Call the HR office or check your policy to see what type of policy that you have. If it is an ERISA plan than your only option is to find out if they have covered it for anyone else that works there under the same policy. Because Federal does allow for iron clad exclusions, BUT once they pay for it for 1 person they have make it available to all.
HTH- and check out the INS forum, there is a great wealth of info over there. Good luck.
thank you for your advice. the problem that i have with the maryland law is, even though i live in maryland my companies HQ is based in Virginia, so they do not have to pay for the surgery. we are having open enrollment right now and of course, the have the same exclusion policy. States they will pay for inpatient obesity treatment as long as it is non surgical. my next step is to right a formal request to corporate.