I just want a bite of pizza!!
Gina Pizza right now is not worth it, you would be in so much pain. The grease would kill ya. But on a happy thought in a couple weeks you will be able to eat the top of pizza but right now is not a good idea. Tia has a good idea, Take Ricotta cheese, Tomatoes on top with mcCormick pizza spice and microwave it, she says it taste just like pizza but check with your doctor. I think you may still need to wait a couple more weeks for something like that. I still can't have that yet. Hugs Kristen BE STRONG!
I feel your pain. I'm 2 weeks out today. But I remember when I first came home from the hospital, the food commercials drove me crazy! I think I was actually salivating at the burger commercials. And then one morning I found myself watching the Food Channel. Am I nuts?!
Anyway, the commercials don't drive me as crazy now that I have found a few things that satisfy, even on pureed foods.
Take heart. I'm sure this too will pass.
You have such a good attitude. You can't miss.
Hugs and More Hugs,
April ...My Cup Runneth Over
" Life may not be the party we hoped for,
but while we're still here we may as well dance." ... Andy Rooney