It's in Aetna's hands now!
I had my final required visit with Dr. Moein and the nut yesterday. Hopefully they will be quick to submit it to Aetna, so I can get APPROVED. Everything I have read says to follow up myself with the insurance company, but the nurse said I don't need to. I don't think I am going to be able to sit on my hands and just wait. I think I'll follow up next Monday, a week after my appointment.
I got a script for Vit D, since my levels are VERY low. I also got a referral for cpap. The sleep study classified me as severe sleep apnea. I knew I had it, but didn't think it was severe. That explains why I can't sit still without falling asleep. After sleeping the whole night, I wake up feeling like I barely slept. I was going to forego cpap, because when I did my sleep study that machine made me feel like I was being suffocated. But, I will get used to it, if it means I can get a GOOD nights sleep. Hopefully I'll be one of the lucky ones who can get off of it after I have lost some weight.
Congrats Kathy: Keeping fingers crossed Aetna will approve you. I'd give it a week and call just to make sure they got the paperwork. I was approved aobut 2 weeks after submissing by BCBS As far as the cpap: I have not used mine since surgury: waiting to hear from the pulminary Dr. about some test results: I may need another sleepstudy to adjust the pressure. You will get used to it and hopefully not need it long after surgury. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: wiping the dust off the losers bench for you :::::::::::::
Kathy good luck on the approval. I remember the posts that I read under insuranc/states, Aetna had the most satisfying responses and approval. How did you do your supervised diet? PCP or any wieght management program. I have been doing this through weigh****cher only for the past month and half. I hope I lose at least 10 LBS ot be able to get approved!
Good Luck
Hi Ellie! Thanks for the good news about Aetna. Anyhow... my surgeons office is what the insurance company calls "multi-disciplinary" in that they are qualified to advise me about nutrition and exercise. So, they qualify for my medically supervised program, and because they do both diet and exercise I only need 3 months, instead of 6. I'm very blessed to have all this come together so quickly. But, unfortunately, I'm a very impatient person and STILL wi**** could happen tomorrow. I didn't do much in the way of dieting to lose my 12 pounds, except cutting out soda. I use public transportation, do I do more walking than those folks who drive. I did increase my walking by a little bit, but not that much.