Thanks everyone for the input on my question about the protein drinks.
I haven't been online since last Wednesday, so I thought I would give a little update here.
Thursday I had the staples and drain taken out. Thank the Lord! I was so tired of the drain pulling. They wouldn't weigh me though. Said I would be disappointed because of the swelling, etc. I knew they would be right because the pants I had on had been very loose before surgery and Thursday they were almost snug around my belly area.
Of course I couldn't wait another 3 weeks until my
April ...My Cup Runneth Over
" Life may not be the party we hoped for,
but while we're still here we may as well dance." ... Andy Rooney
Huge Kudos on the weight loss April !! . I've been trying to sort through the hundreds of protein supps. There are some great recipes out there, but right now I am HOOKED on Nectar brand banana. Places all over the net sell it, but samples are hard to come by. Mixed with skim milk it has 27g of protein and under 200 calories. It really tastes like bananas with no nasty after taste. Hope this helps, Mark