Run, Don't Walk
KMART WOW! I saw a post on another board.
Clothes from .90 to 2.99 I got a ton of clothes, WOW and things I would NEVER buy I got today. My husband is going to kill me but it was soooooo cheep. I got a ton of Larges and XL.
I got 50 peices for $42.00 MEN Ladies and KIDS
I got Gabriella 3 bathing suits for $6.00
I am a little shocked at some of the clothes I bought but they are so cute, Conservative they are not but they look FUN!
Hugs Kristen
Kristen...I need your help, advice, experience, whatever!!! I just found out today that my sugery date with Dr. Gandsas has been moved up to next Friday!! I have my pre-op appt and anesthesia appt on Wednesday. I have no clue what to expect. What happens or what should I be prepared for before the big day? Help!