Hunger pang
All good ideas, thank you. Kristen, I didn't know anything but clear liquids were acceptable the first week. I'll ask the doc about an egg. It might just do the trick. The popsicles are awesome. Leave Kemps brand in the freezer imo. Edys and the Popsicle brand ROCK. Edy's does have a small sugar content, but didn't bother me.
Thanks guys!
Mark - Glad you're doing well, despite the screaming tummy!! I agree about the popsicles, they are allowed on the clear phase of the plan. Once you got to the full liquid phase, Popsicle also makes a cream-filled s/f pop - kind of like a Creamsicle. This, too, shall pass, and soon enough, it'll seem like a distant memory. I know you said you haven't had any trouble getting liquids in, and since that's the case, maybe you should increase them - I kept a water bottle constantly with me and sipped all day and every time I awoke at night. At 25 mos. post-op, I find that if I feel real hunger, it's usually because I haven't gotten enough liquids. I don't find that happening too often, but see if that helps you. Oh, and don't worry - the struggles come from head hunger, not belly hunger!!! Hang in there, Tia