Yeahhhh ME.......Approved.... Reposted from RNY
I recently completed my 6 month supervised diet and all other requirements to send to the insurance company for authorization. I have heard my insurance is not the easiest to deal with, that being said........Yippee.....My docotors office called this morning and said " Your approved " It took 4 days from the date the papers went through the fax. Yeahhh ME!!
I called my DH right away to tell him the good news, he was happy for me and surprised It happened so quickly. I'm going to call tomorrow to schedule a date ( we need to figure out what we are going to do w/ the kiddos)
As I was writing this post my DH called back, I could tell.... he was crying he expressed concern, he's extremly worried that something may happen to me during/after the surgery. He said " I will never be able to find a wife & mother as wonderful as you are". I almost broke down.....I reassured him everything would be fine and It's in God's hands. I've explained to him early on that there is a risk but w/ any surgery there is a slight risk. I also told him being obese is a greater risk in itself and he agreed surgery would improve my life, our life.
Anyone have any other words of wisdom or comforting words I could share with him?
Thanks for listening,
So I called this morning and scheduled a tenative date of Oct. 2nd. That is if I can get all the pre op testing completed by then. I called my PCP today and rattled off a list of test I needed ( upper GI, abdominal scan, blood work, physical ) I think that's it......the receptionist said she didn't know whether or not they could do it before that date. Hopefully I will be getting a call back tomorrow or Monday with the answer. It's been a long road and I've waited this long.......I'm sure I can wait a couple more weeks If it's not possible. I'm not a pushy type person :~) Thanks for all your responses and well wishes !!!! Hugs ~ Christina