Long Lost Member.....
Hello all! It has been AWHILE since I posted or even visited. I was going thru the 6 month diet, my insurance was MHIP, and they had said I was covered due to my health and all my records. I just had to complete what they asked. With only about 5 weeks left, MHIP was taken over by Care First Blue Choice, who EXCLUDES WLS. For those of you *****member me, I started out with CF/BC and left them for that reason. So, I got very discouraged and hid out! Now, I am still trying to find a way to have WLS. I am still discouraged, but I am getting back to my stubborn self and knowing that I will find a way!!!!!
I found another lump in my breast......thank God it is only a cyst. It is rather large and I have to have it drained, but at least it isn't any thing real serious! I also started with some pretty severe pain in my pelvic area.......now this hass been fun! I have missed 3 days of work because it was so bad and my PCP sent me to a GYN who sent me to a Gastro Doc........all three have poked and prodded in areas I dare to say are not pleasant! Now I have to have a CT scan and a colonoscopy!!!!! Needless to say I am not excited about the later of the two! Somoeone posted about the nasty phospho-soda in an earlier post.......that really helped!!! LOL.........I have been told not to venture too far from my toilet after drinking that!!!!!
All in all I guess I am getting back on track. I have missed the Board here, but I was just mad......I let my own disappointment cloud the larger picture. I really could have used the support and wisdom from all of you rather than hibernating alone! Anyways......I missed you guys and for the ones here I have not met yet....hello and I wish all the best of luck on their journey!
~heather j.

Hi Heather,
It is so nice to hear from you. I am sorry you are going through so much. I hope and oray that everything goes well with all your testing. Please do not stay away we are here for you to support you in anyway when we can.
Never stop fighting you will reach your goal of getting your wls.
Welcome back!
I am who I am and accept my feelings wholeheartedly.
Those that mind don't matter, and those that matter don't mind.
Cira 249/144.0 current/goal 154/ 5'3" 10 lbs below my Dr's goal
I wish you well and hope all your tests come back healthy! I just wanted to let you knwo that while you are in this process, this board has been a magnificient tool from day one for me, so just pur your questions, concenrs and issues right here and there is always at least afew who would pick it up and answery you or at least give you comfort. I hope you get approved, I am alreadey only in the beginning of the first ( hoping they will accept Aguust as well) of my supervised diet, I am not even sure if later on I would get to the same place youare or not since I am constantly afraid DH's company might lose their contract with federal and we lose his insurance, my own company offers BCBS carefirst, so I am afraid of losing that insurance and not being covered by carefirst!
Enough about me, if you don't get covered by any insurance company, a lady in my support group mentioned the site below:
http://www.allerganandinamed.com/products/obesity/us/patient /lapband/prodinfo.aspx
This is the official site for lap band produceers and they put you in contact with lenders in case you would consider a loan.
I am sure you have also heard of obesitylaw.com and Gary Visio on this site. Good luck and keep us posted.
I really hope the best for you.
Kelly, Cira, Jo, Traci, and Ellie.......
Thanks to you all for the kind words. When I found this site a year ago, I was amazed, gratified, and felt "normal". I allowed myself to talk about my life and the issues that surrounded it and never felt ashamed or embarassed. This became a safe haven for me! But when things started to spiral downhill, I just wanted to be alone. I didnt want my negativity to bring anyone else down or give a newcomer doubt. I dint want pity. For me, walking away form the Board was safe and best.
But anyhow......thanks and I know this is where I belong to stay strong for this fight!
Love ya all
~heather j.

I totally understand what you mean. I probably would have done the same too.
But know that we are here for you and so please stay and pull up your boot straps and get ready for the fight of your life. ;-)
Big hugs and prayers coming your way.
I am who I am and accept my feelings wholeheartedly.
Those that mind don't matter, and those that matter don't mind.
Cira 249/144.0 current/goal 154/ 5'3" 10 lbs below my Dr's goal