Angry and frustrated over PCP

Ellie, I am a bit confused. Are you asking if the sleep study is covered or the WLS is covered if ordered by the PCP. I don't think it really matters where you get the sleep study. When I was getting things together for my surgery the only thing I had to do at the surgeons location was to meet with the nut. Everything else was done at my home hospital. I think your PCP is willing to assist you with getting the surgery at least that is what I get from reading your conversation. I don't think the diagnosis of sleep apnea and the wearing of a CPAP is all of a sudden going to make you thin. I do think you will feel better getting more restful sleep. I think it is important to have a relationship with a PCP especially for the letter you will need. Although many insurances look at the OB/GYN relationship as a primary one, I think you still would want to develop a repore with a PCP. Good luck
I just got the call from surgeon's office, they said since Dr. Greene has already charged me the support program fee, the sleep[ studyis inncluded in the program fee. Now we get to the part that I have to contact PCP office and cancel the sleep study appointment, as you said even though I am frustrated tht PCP was p;romoting sleep abnea idea, I still don['t want to ruin the relationship you mentioned, I would want to have a PCP to go to everytime i get sick that already knows me and my history fairly enough. So you like me don't think that the real sleep abnea idea will real convert my ulltra obese body to a fit shape? I am just frustrated and tired of battling all these years and here is \the answer that has proven right over and over again and I can't simply ignore it. I am already regretting not doing this 8 years ago when my uncle first mentioned it to me or even two years ago that my OBGYN agreed on the benefits when I asked him about it. I guess this is like any other mental imaging, the tiem has to come that you are ready for it mentally to go ahead with it, Ellie
Hi Karen, First fill already?! Good for you. I can't wait to be there. I have done the blood test, have an appointment with Mandy next week and probably would have the appt with trainer the same day.I cancelled the sleep study with PCP office and am waiting for Washington center to give me an apt. how are you doing with swalowing? Do oyu get sick often? There was another posting on lapband last night about bandsters in Maryland. As for wieght loss stop, I have heard the same thing, wait it will pick up on its own in a week or so, m ost people on this board have issues maintaining the protein intake, they say once you increase the shake/powder/drink, weight loss becomes dramatic again. Good luck