Angry and frustrated over PCP

on 9/6/07 5:29 am - MD
I got so frustrated yesterday, sorry to bother you all with the details but this board is my best source for acquiring advice. I have no PCP nad my OBGYN always has seen me, he is a wonderful guy and he actually introduced Dr Greene to me in a very diplomatic and non-pushy way a couple of years ago while I asked him advice about WLS. So I went to this PCP which is a very recommendable person and DH went to him as well for the first time yesterday. First of all he asked if I have done sleep abnea test and i told im I actually am waiting for Washington .. center to return my message since that is one of the first requirements for WLS, so he said we have this wonderful sleep specialist out of standford and let me hook you up with him! He said most definietely you have sleep abnea and that is WHY you are not able to lose even with diet and exercise! Mind you that between his rapid questioning and jumping to other quwestions I tried mentioninng that I am going to weigh****chers and this and that, so he brought the Dr. and asked the nurse to sign me up for next week and he told me if after sleep stud you are still determined to go ahead with this procedure, I would be happy to help you with that. I asked the nurse if this is covered and she said I don't know you have to call your insurance,  -Is the procedure covered if a PCP orders it? Next I called Dr. Greene's office and they said they would get back to me on this but they are fairly certain that Dr. Greene would prefer his own contact which is Washington Sleep Study center.  I think the PCP wanted to have the study done in his own office to charge the $1400 in their own practice, am I wrong? Am I wrong to want to do sometinhg that I KNOW is thew last resulution for me or am I just over reacting and better give him the benefit of the doubt since I already have to wait 5 months to finish my diet history? Shall I not go to him anymore and just continue with Weigh****chers/ my OB/GYN and Der. Greene's requjirement? AKHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Thnaks for listening and advice Ellie
on 9/6/07 8:06 am - Cumberland, MD

Ellie, I am a bit confused. Are you asking if the sleep study is covered or the WLS is covered if ordered by the PCP. I don't think it really matters where you get the sleep study. When I was getting things together for my surgery the only thing I had to do at the surgeons location was to meet with the nut. Everything else was done at my home hospital. I think your PCP is willing to assist you with getting the surgery at least that is what I get from reading your conversation. I don't think the diagnosis of sleep apnea and the wearing of a CPAP is all of a sudden going to make you thin. I do think you will feel better getting more restful sleep. I think it is important to have a relationship with a PCP especially for the letter you will need. Although many insurances look at the OB/GYN relationship as a primary one, I think you still would want to develop a repore with a PCP. Good luck

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on 9/6/07 10:18 am - MD

I just got the call from surgeon's office, they said since Dr. Greene has already charged me the support program fee, the sleep[ studyis inncluded in the program fee. Now we get to the part that I have to contact PCP office and cancel the sleep study appointment, as you said even though I am frustrated tht PCP was p;romoting sleep abnea idea, I still don['t want to ruin the relationship you mentioned, I would want to have a PCP to go to everytime i get sick that already knows me and my history fairly enough. So you like me don't think that the real sleep abnea idea will real convert my ulltra obese body to a fit shape? I am just frustrated and tired of battling all these years and here is \the answer that has proven right over and over again and I can't simply ignore it. I am already regretting not doing this 8 years ago when my uncle first mentioned it to me or even two years ago that my OBGYN agreed on the benefits when I asked him about it. I guess this is like any other mental imaging, the tiem has to come that you are ready for it mentally to go ahead with it,  Ellie

on 9/10/07 1:57 pm
HI, Ellie, When I signed up with Dr. Greene and paid the program fee ( I think it was $500), it does NOT include the sleep stucdy:  The fee  is for the nutritionist, psychological  evaluation and visits at the cardiac rehab gym.   You need to find out if your insurance covers a sleep study.. I think that most would if it were prescribed by an MD.  You had said that your PCP wanted to conduct the sleep study in his office?? I am not sure if I read it right. PCPs aren't equipped to do sleep studies, you really have to go to the sleep center where they have an all-night staff and all of the correct equipment and infrared cameras on you for monitoring, etc.  If you are diagnosed with sleep apnea and you start using a CPAP machine, you won't lose weight automatically, but your energy level during the day will improve and you might find it easier to exercise, eat right, etc.  Good luck! Karen
on 9/10/07 9:07 pm - MD
Hi Karen, Thank you for your reply. I already cancelled my appointment with PCP office ( I have to admit they have a sleep study program and office dedicated to sleep study with a specialist) However you are right,  Dr. Greene's staff mentioned to me that they have an agreement with sleep study center and the rest of lab and other places. I am not sure if they will charge me or not, but they will submit the papers to insurance and my insurance will cover it because i alreadey verified with them. Tell me about yourself, how are you feeling? How have you managed with eating and work? DO you feel ok? Hope all is well Ellie
on 9/11/07 1:37 pm
HI, Ellie, I am feeling great, my energy is really coming back. The first week after surgery, I did  feel run down, but since I was able to start soft foods aboput a week ago, I feel pretty normal! I saw Dr. Greene for a moment today, I had developed a really itchy rash, he asked me to come in.. it was just blood under the skin being reabsorbed after using the blood thinner shots we have to do post-op. Nothing to worry about.    I go in in 2 more weeks for my first fill... looking forward to it. My appetite is increasing... I have tried to be good and stay between 1000 and 1200 calories, and my weight loss stopped this past week and a half... from what I hear, that is pretty normal, but just have to keep the chin up! How are you doing?
on 9/12/07 1:26 am - MD

Hi Karen, First fill already?! Good for you. I can't wait to be there. I have done the blood test, have an appointment with Mandy next week and probably would have the appt with trainer the same day.I cancelled the sleep study with PCP office and am waiting for Washington center to give me an apt. how are you doing with swalowing? Do oyu get sick often? There was another posting on lapband last night about bandsters in Maryland. As for wieght loss stop, I have heard the same thing, wait it will pick up on its own in a week or so, m ost people on this board have issues maintaining the protein intake, they say once you increase the shake/powder/drink, weight loss becomes dramatic again. Good luck


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