Took First Step Today
Well, today I finally did SOMETHING...I called the surgeon's office and talked to the nurse. I signed up for the information session on 09/04 and after that I will set up a consult with the surgeon.
Nurse says I can go ahead and start scheduling screenings (cardiac, pulmonary, psych., and endoscopy).
I need a letter of medical necessity from my primary care doctor...that's rough; she will not be supportive. I've asked several times for her help as I watched my weight climb and her answer is basically "it's easy, cut back on what you're eating and exercise". She doesn't seem to think there's anything "wrong" with me other than being a speaking to her about my decision isn't going to be a lot of fun.
I need 6 months total of some type of supervised weight loss attempt...I have about 4 months at Weigh****chers which the nurse says will count... So, I guess I am on my the nurse's estimate, I could potentially expect surgery in December some time. That would be great - my company gives us (in addition to vacation time) ten days off for Christmas with pay...the same days school is off for kids so if I could schedule in that time frame, I think that'd be good. Well, everyone - keep your fingers crossed. I guess I'm finally on my way.
Thanks for the reply - and it is way past time for a new PCP - I've never liked mine but ****il now) I've never been much on seeing doctors. I'm relatively healthy for being as heavy as I am...and this woman was successful at treating the occasional sinus infection...that really was the extent of our relationship.
Of course, I guess she felt compelled to offer her ever so insightful wisdom about my weight - you know as if it never occurred to me to cut back my calories...apparently being overweight makes you stupid in her office :-)
Anyway, I specifically asked the surgeon's office if they have dealt with PCPs who are not supportive and, surprisingly, the nurse said they have. I can't even imagine how a doctor can say he or she is concerned for a patient's best interest but not try to help them with such a big problem as obesity...
But anyway, the nurse at the surgeon's office said that all I need from my doc is basically confirmation that yes she has been my doctor and yes I have been fat (okay - she said it in a nicer way but that's the gist - PCP needs to "confirm I've struggled with obesity'") which I guess she HAS to do because to do otherwise would be lying. So basically, I need her factual statement, not her blessing.
It does feel good to be on my way but it also doesn't feel real as it's only been like an hour since the phone call :-) Patience is not one of my strong suits so now I'm in that "Okay, now I want to GET GOING" phase. I know it's a long road and the logical side of me knows that I've been obese for a long time and a few more months is not a big deal but the impatient, ready to not be obese anymore side says "Okay, I've spent several YEARS researching, I've made up my mind...let's get to it. Fortunately, I'm dedicated to doing this and have a supportive husband and daughter to keep me from going completely insane while the time passes.
Hi Melanie. Nice to meet you. Looks like my surgeon will be Dr. Terrence Fullum at Upper Chesapeake (Harford County).
And I don't have too many questions - JUST ABOUT A MILLION !!!!
I have questions about EVERYTHING...from the "beginning" of the process to what'll it be like afterward. I am so excited, I can barely keep still. It just feels good to be DOING SOMETHING instead of sitting around being miserable because of my size...I know I'm months away from the "real stuff" but I'm just glad to have made the first step.
The poor ladies that answer the phone at the surgeon's office - over the last few days I must have called and hung up on them a hudred times because I couldn't muster the courage to actually start the conversation. Once I did though, it turned out to be very productive.

April ...My Cup Runneth Over
" Life may not be the party we hoped for,
but while we're still here we may as well dance." ... Andy Rooney
April ...My Cup Runneth Over
" Life may not be the party we hoped for,
but while we're still here we may as well dance." ... Andy Rooney
Best wishes as your WLS journey continues. Hugs, Mo
Comparison is the thief of joy!
If we spend our time comparing our life/weight loss/body to others, we totally miss what WE have accomplished. Keep in mind how far you have come and what you can do now that you couldn't do weeks/months/years ago. I hate the expression " It's all good", but in this case it fits! Wherever you are in your journey ... It's ALL good!!!