eating disorder?
I can't say that I have ever had thoughts of an eating disorder but I do think it is quite normal to have that fear to gain all the weight back. With all of the failed weight loss we all have ahd in the past we think in the back of our heads this is just one more. You are only 3 month out so I would give it somet ime. You will be fine. I am now almost 2 years out and remember being afraid to eat something for fear I would get sick or have "dumping". So it is all normal and know that it does get easier and this surgery will make this your last weight loss attempt and you will be successful. =)
hope that helps a bit.
Kelli in MD
It is awesome to be a loser!!!!
It is awesome to be a loser!!!!

Great weligh loss so far!!! You should be so proud of yourslef. Fear.. I see 1 pound and I get depressed even though I realize it may just be a fluid gain. I have had thoughts of maybe if I don't eat at all etc... yadda yadda yadda. Keep reminding yourself that this is a tool for life. Learn to use your tool and you will always be a success.
The love of my OH Family has me humbled!!!!
Gina -
Please don't be too hard on yourself. Unfortunately, DVR only operates on our stomachs, not our heads. I once told him I would've been happy to pay extra for that!!! My only suggestion is that you call Ranessa McNally, she's a therapist who works with DVR's patients and others, is a wls survivor herself and truly understands the emotional rollercoaster we're on. Her phone number is 410-602-0102, and her office is in Pikesville.
Take care,