Struggling with my faith

272/150 down 122 lbs!!! WOW!!
Sounds like we are almost twins! I am 45 w/ 9 yr old son 5'2" 226 lb. I register at a 40 BMI right on the nose. I am also a Bible -believing -fundamental-born again Christian. I struggled like you since i was 6 yrs old with varying degrees of obesity. My constant prayer was to lose weight and then the guilt and self doubt of failed diets. After lots of prayer I know that this is the answer God is going to provide. One board member put it this way: I hope Ron doesnt mind me quoting him but it is perfect for your situation. " There is a fictional story that highlights this mindset! A man is sitting on the roof of his house after a flood, and prays for God to save him. A few hours later, a man comes by in a boat and say "hop in"! The guy on the roof say's "no thanks" - I'm waiting for God to save me. A couple of hours later, another boat comes by, and the same things happens. The man refuses to get in the boat, and say's he is waiting for God to save him. Then a big wave comes and breaks the house apart, and the made falls into the water and drowns. The man goes to heaven and stand before God. he say's "God, I don't understand! I prayed for you to save me, but you let me drown!" God replies, "Dummy!! I sent you 2-boats"!!" God bless Ron for his wisdom.
If you had cancer instead, would it show a lack of faith in God's ability to heal you if you accepted surgery and chemo rather than just prayed? Would you refuse a coronary bypass if your doctor told you that you had 99% blockages? I don't think so. Of course, you'd follow your doctor's advice, right? I use cancer and heart disease as examples because the answer is such a no-brainer. I think God gave us this and many other technologies for healing. God can and does heal us through doctors and medicine as well as sovereignly. If you were to post this question to the lap band forum, there'd be many Christians who'd say what I'm trying to say here with much eloquence. I've seen this question posted and I've seen their answers. One of our active members is a pastor who's lost about 150 lbs so far, I think. Just a personal observation here, but God's been working on me about my weight for years. I've been MO for about 25 years (since my mid-20's). He's been working on me about obesity surgery for 12 years. Agreeing to do something about it has been my way of saying, "Okay, God, it's in Your hands now." It took a relative dying too young last year of complications of diabetes to make me get in gear. Finally, re your health insurance, the case can be made that you're saving them money in the long run. Your future surgeon can help you make this case and identify all of your co-morbs. You probably have more than you realize.
The love of my OH Family has me humbled!!!!
Adain, thank you all for responding. Yesterday, I was washing the dishes and talking to God, asking him about this when I felt him say almost exactly what you guys have said (before I read your posts!), Basically, he said, if you had a friend who was an alcoholic and a procedure became available that would enable him to gain control of his drinking and avoid all the future problems alcoholism can bring, wouldn't you encourage him to do it? Wouldn't you want him to be free? He would still have to work hard and love himself enough to follow the recommendations of his doctors, the procedure would just be a tool to help him. When I looked at it in that light, of course it made sense. Later, I found the website of a woman who had undergone RNY, who was a Christian and said basically the same thing. I felt God's confirmtaion in my heart that I am moving in the right direction. THen I came here and read your posts....okay God. I think I get it. :) I also felt him reminding me that he loves me no matter what I decide.
I made calls yesterday to try to find out exactly what my policy states in regard to coverage, and I'm calling the surgeon today to find out what's next. I'll keep you "posted"!
In Him,
"He would still have to work hard and love himself enough to follow the recommendations of his doctors, the procedure would just be a tool to help him." I was walking through Tar-GHEY this morning and saw a plaque with this quote: "Faith makes all things possible, not easy." I thought of your situation immediately. Don't worry, there are plenty of opportunities to exercise one's spiritual muscles in this journey!