ughghhg GERD
Ok so I thought I was having a heart attack. My heart was racing, beating so hard my chest was pounding. I was nausuos, and vomitting. I went to my DR who did a ekg in his office, and then sent me to the ER. They did a bunch of tests, blood work, x-rays sono's and a stress test. After all this and 8 hrs at the hosp. I was given a persription and told you have GERD! OMG I felt so dumb. But I did find out that I have a different that normal heart pattern. They said its not "normal" but not abnormal either. just my normal.
Lucky me!!
OK so then I go to get the percription filled $30.00 copay . HUH!
The pharmacist said that for the dosage and it being 2 x's a day without insurance it would be $389 a month. HOLY FLYING DOLLAR BILLS BATMAN!!! That is a lot of money.