Sleep Study

Hi Kendra I had mine done at Harbor Hospital cause I work there and it was no charge for me to do it there. I hated it. I could not sleep there and she told me that she recorded me sleeping and I still do not beleive it. I have long hair and they put this stuff in it, I could not tell you what it was but there was mounds, yes I said "Mounds" of it. Sure strait shampoo and no water to get that junk out. I failed the test and knew I would. It was just another plus to get my surgery done. The hospital called me back to do another sleep study with the c-pap and I think they are out of there minds. I am not going to be able to sleep with anything on my head, up my nose or in my mouth. So I am not a GOOD example by any means and you should forget everything I told ya and be a good patient. You will be fine, not everyone is a princess (ake pain in the ass) like me. I need my feather bed and pillows and I think the mattress there was like a pancake. Hugs Kristen