Feeling FRUSRATED!!!!
I have my 1st appt with a surgeon (DR. Steele) at Hopkins-Bayview on August 27. I received the thick packet in the mail and reviewed it vrey thouroughly. One part says to verify with your insurance company what kind of coverage you have for WLS. So the other day I called United Health Care and spoke with someone who transferred me to another department so that I could get some specific questions answered (what do I need to do to qualify,etc), anyway I spoke with a rep who told me that UHC requires that you get pre-quilified for the surgery and that he could start that process then if I wanted and I thought - great!! It's nice to be able to do something while waiting to see the surgeon, etc. So anyway he asked me a bunch of questions and said that I needed to obtain info on my BMI (48.1), co-morbidities (none), previous weight-loss attempts and a 5 year h/o obesity. Then he gave me a reference # and I felt happy that the process had been started. The only glitch was that he said my surgeon was not in the plan and that I should pick someone else from the practice, so... Today I called the office and spoke with a lady named Lillian and she was very upset that I spoke with this man and said "you shouldn't have done that you need a 6-month supervised diet history and now they are going to deny you and you've just cost yourself a lot of time in getting approved". SHe also said how it was going to take alot more work on their end (the surgeon's office) to appeal my claim once it's been denied. Then she asked me why I called then that is what she is supposed to do - she seemed very upset - and told me that she had to go becuase I interupted her when she was with patients. Just so you know - I just called the office number and she just happened to answer the phone. So now I don't know what to do - I thought that I was doing the right thing and I've got the surgeon's office person irritated with me and maybe sabotaged my insurance approval..Any advice??
Thanks for listening to my LONG vent!!! Kendra
It is awesome to be a loser!!!!