
on 7/28/07 11:36 pm - New Castle, DE
Can anyone list positives to having gastric bypass roux n y. I need to hear it. I keep reading the negative posts and its more than I can take... Please list some positive things you've gone through... I am two weeks to surgery and would love to keep a positive outlook on things...I need to keep an upbeat attitude.  It won't hurt to get some positive reinforcement!!  Thanks  M.
on 7/29/07 1:46 am - Annapolis, MD
I can list lots of positives for me. The RNY has changed my life. I was almost totally bedridden and I have gotten my independance back. I was a high risk surgery and would be glad to talk to you anytime. I am now able to drive, I can fasten my seatbelt. I went from over 20 medications down to just 2. My sleep apnea has improved so much. I am waiting for results now to see if I can stop the cpap machine. I can go shopping with my kids. I can grocery shop for myself and family. All of these things I couldn't do before surgery. I fit in smaller and smaller size clothes. I am not even a year out yet. My anniversary i Aug 18th, 2007 and I will be a year. There is something new every day. I got excited the other day whenat the pool I could fot between the pool bars in the deep and shallow end. Lots of people do it but I always had to go over to the steps and use the entrance. It is the little things that thrill me. Mostly when I had surgery I just hoped to walk my dog on a short walk. I couldn't make it to my mailbox and I live in a community in a duplex so it wasn't a far walk. Now I can make it with ease. I can walk the dog not always in this heat but I can. I have gained so much. Feel free to email me anytime. at [email protected]. I will also message you my phone number. I would love to talk. I never dreamed i would improve this much as I have lupus and fibromyalgia and a number of other conditions but I have. I am not working yet but one day that looks like a real possibility. I could write a book but you would get tired of reading. Have a great day and know we were all scared before the procedure and I like many had doubts and fears. It is normal and natural and I believe healthy. Love Laurie
Kelli P.
on 7/29/07 5:09 am - Rosedale, MD
First I want to say congratulations on your decision to enter this journey and I wish you the best and a quick recovery.  I am almost 2 years out. My anniversary is in October and I can honestly say that I have NOTHING negative to say about RNY. I do not regret my decision for one second and would do it again if I ever needed to. What more postive thing can I say about getting your health back and your life back. After losing almost 130 pounds I am no longer diabetic, have normal chloresterol, no more back pain, and no more knee/joint pain. Besides the health aspect, I can walk into ANY store and buy clothes, I was able to go to the amusement parks and ride every ride without worry of being able to fit in the seat or being politely asked to get off the ride because they couldnt buckle the seatbelt. I am able to run with my 3 yr old, keep up with him, and do so much more with him rather than sitting off in the corner of the yard watching him play. The best compliment I have received is that a co-worker who had not seen me since surgery (he lives in California) walked by me and did not recognize me and even asked if I still worked there and when I said it was me, he was SHOCKED to say the least.
Kelli in MD

It is awesome to be a loser!!!!
on 7/29/07 5:56 am - Anne Arundel County, MD
I don't even know where to begin on the positives!   Everything that Laurie and Kelli have said go for me also. I am almost 3 1/2 years post op and my only regret is that I didn't do this sooner!!!  RNY was first suggested to me in August 2001.   It took me 2 1/2 years to finally realize that I had no other options left and I had to do something or I would sit on the sidelines of life forever. I've lost and maintained about a 100 pound loss.  I've not reached my size or weight goal, but if I never lose another pound I'll deal with it.   My biggest positive is that I have gotten my life back.  I couldn't walk any distance without stopping to rest about every 20 to 30 feet (IF I was lucky).  I was right on the verge of being diagnosed with type II diabetes.   Had high blood pressure.   Osteoarthritis in my hips/knees/feet (and hands).  Fatty liver disease ... No more meds for the HBP.   I still have issues with the arthritis .. but it's more a case of my overdoing activity rather than it being a weight bearing thing.   My bloodwork each check up post op has been perfect. I can walk all day and not even give it a second thought now.   I've joined a gym and go work out M-F at 4:45 a.m. for about 35-45 minutes before work.   Mr Mo and I are big NASCAR fans.   Our two major vacations each year (since 1999) have been to Charlotte for the May & October NASCAR races at LMS.   I am no longer self conscious about having to climb past people getting to and from my seat.  I can sit comfortably in my seat at the track.  I can easily walk to the track from the RV without stopping. I don't quite have boundless energy but ....  I am no longer on the sidelines any more. To be 'fair' though, I have to admit that it's not all been a bed of roses ...  I had an ulcer develop at the upper junction of my pouch with my esophagus .. I ended up with an esophageal stricture that had to be dilated 3 times.   I think the opening to my pouch is still extremely narrow, because even at 3 plus years post op I have food issues with dense foods.   I tend to test my limits with things and end up feeling miserable.   Sometimes the only relief is to throw up.    Even with the issues I've had, I would do have my surgery again in a heart beat!!!  I always say that I am not sure that WLS has given me a longer life but it has certainly given me the ability to live the life I do have to the fullest. Best wishes as your WLS journey continues. Hugs, Mo P.S.   I never had any doubt prior to my RNY that it was right for me.   BUT .. I did wake up in the hospital screaming at my husband ... WHY DID YOU LET ME DO THIS ?????  ...  by the time I left the hospital I was past the WHY stage on on to the Ok, I've done it stage ... a few weeks later it was .. Ok, I'm glad I did this stage ... and after a while I reached the  ...I would do it again in a heartbeat stage. Everyone's experiences are different.  It's good to hear other's experiences, but they are not yours.   You are unique.  You have to do what is right for you!!!

Comparison is the thief of joy!

If we spend our time comparing our life/weight loss/body to others, we totally miss what WE have accomplished.   Keep in mind how far you have come and what you can do now that you couldn't do weeks/months/years ago.   I hate the expression " It's all good", but in this case it fits!   Wherever you are in your journey  ... It's ALL good!!!

on 7/29/07 7:26 am - SHADY SIDE, MD

Where do I begin? Let me say this first off and no matter how many people you talk to about their having the surgery they will tell you "I WISH I HAD DONE IT SOONER".  I say that all the time.  I had my surgery Lap Rny  10 months ago, I have lost 150 lbs.  I wore a size 30/32 and today I got size 18 capris and pants.   I am in my 50's and haven't worn size 18 since high school.   I have tons more energy, I go out with friends and have a great time where before I would have stayed home for whatever reason I could come up with.  I shop and walk around which I never did before.  I laugh, I look up when I walk around and make eye contact with people, I no longer look at the ground.  I can stand and do the dishes, I took off the extender for my seat belt, my belly doesn's rub the stearing wheel anymore, I had to move up the seat so my feet could reach the pedals.  I don't take diabetes medicine anymore, it's controlled by diet.  Blood Pressue is down, I haven't used my asthma inhaler in months and months, I don't even know where my inhaler is now that I think about it.   I planted flowers in my yard and have tons of them in pots on my back porch something I haven't done in years and years.  I didn't have the energy to go water them much less the enthusiasm to even look at them.   We enjoy our porch now and the flowers and I am loving taking care of them. Everything is brighter, my health is better, I've made wonderful new friends through OH which I am so greatful for.  I don't know what I would have done without them. Ok so food doesn't taste as good as it used to and going out to eat isn't as much fun, as a  matter of fact eating is kind of a chore, but life is sunny all around me and eating is something I do to live not live to do (ANYMORE).   This surgery was the best gift I have ever given myself. MargieB

Margie B
Aime B.
on 7/29/07 8:04 pm - Baltimore, MD
My diabetes is resolved!!! I took 10 meds a day. I take vitamins now. I am even off depression medication. I  dance all night without stopping.  I can clean my house and take care of my yard. There are so many I cans now where I always had I can'ts. I was ina 24 (3x). I wear a baggy 14 now.  One of the very best things I did for my health and myself. I am 50 years young now!!

The love of my OH Family has me humbled!!!!

on 7/29/07 11:05 pm - Losinsum, MD

Good Morning M, I'm sitting here trying to "boil down" all the positives that have happened in my life since having RNY surgery 2 years ago.  I just celebrated my two year surgiversary over the weekend.  I apologize for the length of this post, but I want to give you the full picture of my positives and how much life has changed for me since having RNY: Losing 143lbs. Stepping on the scale and having my weight begin with "1" for the first time in 31 years. Going from a Size 30/32 Top/Tight 26/28 Pants to a Size 12/14 pants (depending on the style and type of pant) and a Size 14/16 Top. Shopping in the regular "misses" size shop. NOT having to order any clothes from Lane Bryant or Roaman's Catalog or shopping at Catherines because those were the only places that sold clothes that fit. Going from taking Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Edema and Anti-Depressent Medications on a daily basis and from taking other various medications for maladies that were a direct result of Morbid Obesity to taking ZERO medications. Having bloodwork done and having every measurement come back in the "normal" range. Going from having legs that ached from fluid build up/pressure on varicose veins to no fluid build up and no more aches. Going from gorging myself and overeating everyday, to watching what I eat (protein first, lots of water) and allowing myself little treats when I crave them.  This is to say that my appetite was practically insatiable before and now, when I crave something that is not the "best choice",  I'm satisfied with one or two bites (or a sensible serving) .  I am satisfied for the first time in my life. Going from hating what I allowed myself to remain physically to actually liking myself now.  I like the fact that I took control and actually did something about my weight rather than doing nothing and despising myself for it. Going from not dating anyone to loving a special man who loves me. Having men actually look at me and smile instead of looking past/through me like I was invisible. Going from hoping I'd "fade into the woodwork" to actually liking and using make-up and jewelry again. Going from someone whose personality and slowly disappeared with the mentality of wanting to fade into the woodwork to someone who's happy and more outgoing - I found the person that I used to be! Looking around and realizing I'm "normal" sized and not the "fat girl".  I still struggle with the fat girl mentality and I think that mentally I'll always be that fat girl.  That's okay, it reminds me where I've come from.  Going into my RNY Surgeon's office for my two year check up last week and having him not recognize me!  He said he had to look at my chart and read who I was to figure out who I was. M - this has been one heckuva ride.  Lot's of bumps and ups and downs, but I tell you, the adjustments have all been worth it, try to stay positive, it's worth it!


Take Care,

on 7/30/07 4:13 am - New Castle, DE
WOW!!  I appreciate your responses I really needed to hear them... I'm going throught the 2 week freak I was told... And was getting a bit worried... But your posts have made me feel at ease... Thanks so much... Here are things I'd like to change: Not In order.... Negative self talk... I could be crazy but I talk down to myself every chance I get because of my weight.  Self esteem issues... All this extra weight... I'm carrying three of my 6 year old daughter at 48 lbs... Tiredness... Two much weight to carry around.. Diabetes... Sleep apnea... Naps... I hope to have enough energy to skip naps. Fear of getting a job because of rejection(being fat) lane bryant and avenue stores clothing...Bye bye Excercise more!!!! I want to be addicted!!! No more fast food!!! Getting my house cleaned faster and better.. Spending good times with my kids  dropping my grumpiness... Doing physical activities with the kids.... Having better sex!!! (Sex is good mind you but I know it will be better so look out world...) Keeping up with husband.. Going on a cruise minus the food.... Walking the dogs... i guess I could go on forever.... Basically a healthier life... I know it doesn't change everything but i know it will be a great improvement.. Thanks  M.
on 7/30/07 5:58 am - Parkville, MD
Besides this site, the most positive energy I have experienced has been support group meetings. You just don't see unhappy people there from what I see.  Hope this helps, Mark
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