Can you FEEL the band?
Hey Guys,
Last night I told my best friend about my decision to get the Lap-Band. I was relieved to find how supportive he was about the idea, because I wasn't sure what he would say. He thinks it's a great idea, but he brought up an interesting question.
Is the band uncomfortable? Can you feel it inside, sqeezing your stomach? When the doctor fills the band, he does it through a valve under your skin, right? Can you feel the valve?
Does anyone here have any experiences with the Band being uncomfortable?

Good question. I had the VBG w/ sleeve surgery just 4 days ago. I'm not sure you're familiar with this type of surgery but the band I have is permanent in the sense that it cannot be adjusted and it is about the size of a dime, which is about the smallest that the Lap Band would ever be. I'm not sure if I can feel the band itself but I can certainly tell the difference between having a full pouch vs. having an empty pouch. I think this is a good thing because we're always supposed to be sipping liquids and it is a good indicator of when it's time to have more.
Keep in mind that I am only on liquids at this point so I have not experienced real food yet. However, I can't imagine it being much different.
I was banded 2 weeks ago and no you cannot feel the band. When you are full you feel the fullness in your chest as though you have eaten too much and the fullness is in your chest. I am still on liquids at this point and the swelling has begun to come down a lot. You don't get a fill until 6 weeks but at this point I cannot feel anything. I don't even know where the port is.
HI Sara, I am banded and you cannot feel the band at all. You can feel the port when you rub where it is under your skin, but other than that you cannot feel anything in the normal sense. I cannot tell it is even there. I LOVE MY BAND!!!! There are VERY few bandsters in the Maryland forum. For better understanding go to the Lap Band Forum and feel free to talk to me privately if you like.