Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels
My doc's paperwork says the same thing. It says that hair loss is transient and a common side-effect that occurs to everyone in the first 6 months. It will not lead to baldness and it is reversible. Once your weight stablizes and you take in more protein the hair will grow back. His paperwork also says that hair treatments and permanents should be avoided in the first 6 mos.
Hope this helps! --Eric
I have noticed that it's helping. This was one of my biggest fears of the surgery, but I get my protein in religiously!! as well, & I know it could be worse, but it's okay, thus far!! Amen!! All a part of the journey right??
Peace. jbug

The love of my OH Family has me humbled!!!!
Jayme, I too have been losing a lot of hair. I asked my Nut about Zinc. She said I could take it if I wanted but no more then 220 mgs and no longer then a month. She said it is no****er soluble and it would become toxic if taken too long. I am taking 5000 mg of Biotin every night. I don't really see a difference with using it. Maybe if I wasn't it would be worse, so I continue. I had thin hair before so I feel the loss is very noticeable. I know this is a short time problem. It just seems traumatic to me right now. I seem to have a lot of events to go to the next few months and there will be a lot of picture taking. I guess I will just look back at it as the me in transition. Good luck and congrats on the weight loss. Wanda