Need Friends
Hi everyone!! I used to post ALL the time..and so much has happened (all good) in my life and next thing I know...I haven't posted in forever, the website has changed and I need support more than ever...
I'm 6months pregnant
It's hard watching the scale go up..and boy mine has! But I won't give up and I know I can do this...I'm still trying to figure out how to navigate this will you be my friend?? LOL..HOW PATHETIC (sp?)
I can't sleep (the baby is moving sooo much..woo hooo) so I just did the best I could at switching my old page to this one...
Well I'm going to try and get some sleep now...I'll be posting soon!

Congratulations on your pregnancy! I am glad you are doing great and focus on eating healthy and staying away from the refined sugars and bad carbs.
You will do great! Then after having the baby you can work on going back to basics and getting back to your pre pregnancy weight or goal.
Make sure to post on the post op pregnancy board
Wishing you all the best in your journey, and I would love to be your friend.

I am who I am and accept my feelings wholeheartedly.
Those that mind don't matter, and those that matter don't mind.
Cira 249/144.0 current/goal 154/ 5'3" 10 lbs below my Dr's goal
Hey Diana!
Welcome back!! I was just thinking of you the other day!!! Um,, Di, I thought you, well you know....I mean, that doesn't mean you CAN'T have a baby, I just.....well, since I've written my foot into my mouth....
Anyway, welcome back! I'm so glad to see everything is going well for you! So are you gaining weight because of the baby or some old, bad habits creeping back in? The latter is apparently pretty normal, so if you're beating yourself up, stop it right now!!!
Okay, so as you can see, the Maryland board is much more active than when you were last on. Please, please, please join us, both on the board and in person. We try to get together every 4-6 weeks, and I guess, pretty soon, Diana's Baby can join us!!!
We are a wonderful group of people, always welcoming returning friends, and ALWAYS accepting any extra single men!!!!!!
Anyway, I'm glad to see you back!! Let's get together soon! Maybe we can meet at Starbucks on the Avenue - coffee for me, milk for you!!!!
Take care,
Teresa (Tia)
LOL...Yes you thought right... I am a lesbian and my partner and I are having this baby together, lol....
It's amazing what you can get done in a fertility center!!! it's nice to know I was being thought of. I think I'm gaining weight because I'm pregnant and old habits...the double whammy..YUK.
I'm always up for Starbucks...but I can't stomach the coffee at this I do tea. You are absolutely right...the MD board is much more active.
Hopefully we'll be able to make one of these outings...let me know!!

Hi there! :) I live just around the corner from you in Rosedale! Congrats on the baby. We're going to be starting to try for baby #2 soon. I go for my annual appt next Tuesday so I'll chat with the doc about removing my IUD, switching some meds (can't take a diuretic while ttc) and when I should start to ttc. I'll be 1 year post op on 9/14 and i've got the lap band so I can start ttc at 1 year, but I may start a little sooner because it took 9 years to conceive our daughter Kylie. Good luck to you and keep in touch neighbor!