Hey all - Yay, it's Friday!!! Mom, KB and I are really looking forward to the picnic tomorrow! Pray to the sun Gods!!! Kelly & Co. have worked SOOOOO hard putting this together for us, and I thank them!!! It's not too soon to be talking about a Christmas get-together; maybe we can do that tomorrow, and if anyone has any suggestions, post away!! Slooooowwww week here, I finished Harry Potter - loved it, but am mourning the fact that it's over. At least there's more movies to be made!! Hoping to leave early today, we'll see how busy I am.
I've been dabbling in EHarmony and Match.com - did you all know that the majority of the male population are expert skiiers, scuba divers, rock climbers, dancers and snorkelers??? It's amazing! Oh, yeah, and they all want slender, toned, athletic girls!!! Oh, puh-leeze!!!!! It's been frustrating and comical at the same time!! And why, why, why, do men think it's attractive to post a picture in which they are either bare-chested or chest-exposed??? EWWW!! Anyway, it's all been an experience and I say again, PLEASE, IF YOU HAVE ANY SINGLE MALES IN YOUR LIFE, SEND THEM!!!! BRING THEM TO THE PICNIC - THEY CAN BE OUR S/F DESSERT!!!!!! I'M BEGGING YOU!!! Okay, so that's it. My Dad's having left knee replacement surgery on Monday at Franklin Square and should be home by Thursday. Pray for him, of course, but pray for Mom and me, too! He's a bear of a bad patient and by Tuesday, will be grumpy as all get out!!! In fact, Mom & I are going out for crabs and wine on Sunday (I'm thinking more wine than crabs, but whatever!)
So have a great weekend and for those of you whom I'll see tomorrow, I can't wait!!!! Tia
Good morning Tia
Today is definitely a TGIF day!!! I decided last night that the 4:15 a.m. wake up call was NOT working, so I reset the clock to 4:30 a.m. .... Then I decided that I would set the clock 5 minutes fast to sort of fake myself out .. I just happened to look at the clock as I was going to bed and realized I had set it 5 minutes slow rather than 5 minutes fast .. in my fixing that error .. I totally MISSED turning on the alarm .. so I was awake a little after 4 but decided I would just lay there until the clock went off .. and I fell back to sleep and woke up after 5 .. OOOPsie .. no gym for me this a.m. .. OH Well .. tomorrow (or Monday) is another day
I got my You Won't Know It's Not Potato Salad salad made last night. I haven't had a good sample of it yet, but the tiny taste I had last night seemed pretty good. It sure looks like a bowl of potato salad
Mr Mo went and picked up the rental splitter for the wood yesterday afternoon. By the time he got started and it DIED after 3 splits (we were not amused) it was after 5 and the rental place was closed. We lost a whole lot of splitting time last night as a result. He towed the bad splitter back to Annapolis this a.m. and by the time I left for work he was standing in the front yard with his coffee and the splitter. I imagine I'll be getting my workout when I get home and have to stack LOTS of split wood!!! The replacement splitter is brand new never been used .. so it had best not die on him. The accomodation the rental place made is that instead of having it back by 5 p.m. today we can get it back in the a.m. tomorrow. I see us out in the yard splitting wood until dark tonight .. ARGGGGH
Need to make some coffee or start drinking water here soon. Usually by the time I get to the office I've had 32 oz of water, but because of the alarm screw up this morning and no gym .. there wasn't a whole lot of water drinking going on. I'm just about done with my protein/iced coffee so time to start on another liquid.
See you tomorrow!!
Hugs, Mo
Comparison is the thief of joy!
If we spend our time comparing our life/weight loss/body to others, we totally miss what WE have accomplished. Keep in mind how far you have come and what you can do now that you couldn't do weeks/months/years ago. I hate the expression " It's all good", but in this case it fits! Wherever you are in your journey ... It's ALL good!!!
Hiya Moie - Well, better to screw up the alarm on a Friday than a Monday!!!
Let me know how the No-Potato salad turns out; if it's good, I'd like the recipe, if you don't mind!!
Splitting wood makes me yearn for cold, crisp weather and a hot cup of tea. AND of course, as has been my common theme, a man to share it with!!! Well, splitting wood is good exercise - I just hope you can walk tomorrow!!
See you tomorrow! I finished my one piece of work, so now I'll open Baltimore magazine and see how people with money, or at least more $$ than me, live and play!!!!