A Couple Of Check Marks...
Hi All, Sorry I have not been real active lately, but the summer schedule has had me very busy and it does not seem to have any end in sight. I did want to share a couple of cool things that happened this weekend though.... Thing 1. I ran in the Run To Cooperstown 5K (my second 5k since surgery). I completed it in 29:43 (29 minutes 43 seconds). A 5K is 3.12 miles, so this means I was able to do sub-10 minute miles for the entire race. Thing 2. After the race on Saturday, I took the girls to Six Flags in Largo. My wife was away and this was a company outing so I had to do it even though my legs were tired from the morning race. While I was there, I went on all the water rides, one of the big wooden coasters, and the SuperMan coaster (among other things). The SuperMan roller coaster was incredible...but being able to enjoy the rides with the girls (instead of just sending them on and watching because I did not fit in the seat) was the best part. Why "A Couple of Check Marks" as the title? Well, riding a roller coaster was one of the goals I had before surgery. Running a 5K (original goal) in less than 30 minutes (goal as of May) was a post surgery goal. Both are now checked off the list! Wooo Hooo.... Hope things are going well for everyone.
Every morning in
Comparison is the thief of joy!
If we spend our time comparing our life/weight loss/body to others, we totally miss what WE have accomplished. Keep in mind how far you have come and what you can do now that you couldn't do weeks/months/years ago. I hate the expression " It's all good", but in this case it fits! Wherever you are in your journey ... It's ALL good!!!