Home! And sooo glad to be...
Hey Lainey - I was thinking of you yesterday and hoping all went well with your surgery. I knew you were in good hands with Dr S . I also had a bad time at Bayview and I sent Dr S a email with a copy to Pat Jordan. Dr S responded quickly and Pat called me at home. They did some followup and both were very appreciative that I let them know what is going on. Please send Dr S a e mail letting him know your experience, he has a well respected reputation to protect. and he waqnts to know if anyone had a problem. I will never go back to Bayview, at least not willingly! I am so glad that you are home and doing ok, it takes time, get a lot of rest. Let me know if I can help!! Linda
Hi Linda,
Thanks for the great suggestion! I've been trying to figure out how I could let him know the specific issues I had without taking up a lot of time at my follow up visit over it. He's really a great surgeon. It would be a shame if he started to get a bad rep because of the hospital's issues. For that matter, the hospital's surgery crew was just as great as he was. It's really the post-op care at Bayview that is lacking.
I've had no problems since I've been home. My incisions are mostly healed, the soreness is decreasing daily, I'm moving well and feeling amazingly good. I almost feel guilty for not being at work. Well...ALMOST!!
Thanks again!