Welcome Back, Friday!!

(deactivated member)
on 7/19/07 9:46 pm - Middle River, MD
Wow!  Considering this was my first full week back after two weeks off, Friday certainly took long enough to get here!!! Whatcha got planned for this weekend?  I've got LOTS of transcriptions I need to get through, and little ambition to do so, especially since it's supposed to be a beautiful weekend.  Tomorrow, we have KB, and depending upon how K feels, we may go to the movies to see Evan Almighty.   There are so many movies out that Mom and I want to see - the already mentioned, plus License to Wed, I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry, Hairspray, etc.  It can get pretty expensive, so sometimes, we wait until they hit the cheapo movies on Belair Road in Fullerton - @ $3.00 a ticket, you can't go wrong!  Before I do anything else, though, I need to get to B&N to pick up the latest Harry Potter.  I'm going to be the nice sister and let G read it before me, since he's the one that got me hooked.  We're both fast readers, so I'm hoping that I'll have it in my hot little hands by Monday!!  He and KB already saw the latest HP movie, so I've got to see that, too.  Saturday night, I'm going to a friend's house for some wine, good food and fun!!  Sunday, I've got to bake a cake for my sweet B's 8th bday, which is Monday.  He's requested choc w/choc (that's my boy!), and we'll supplement it with small ice cream cake (LOVE those choc crunchies!!!)  Throw in some laundry, more typing and coffee with a gf, and there's my weekend!!! SUPPOSED to work on a project today with one of the guys here in the office, but we'll see.  No one at this new office seems to work at a fast pace, so who knows. Anyway, hope everyone has a great day and a wonderful weekend!! Tia
Cira S.
on 7/20/07 4:17 am - Charles Town , WV
Hi Tia, Just reading your weekend events got me so exhausted!  lol I hope you have a wonderful weekend and I hope B has a wonderful birthday! hugs,

I am who I am and accept my feelings wholeheartedly.
Those that mind don't matter, and those that matter don't mind.

Cira 249/144.0 current/goal 154/ 5'3" 10 lbs below my Dr's goal
100Cira-1.jpg picture by negra266

(deactivated member)
on 7/20/07 4:31 am - Middle River, MD
Hi Cira - Actually, this is pretty typical of my weekends!  I try to cram so much in that come Monday, I need a day to recover!!! It's good to be B - he already got his Nintendo DS and a game from his Dad, and I gave him a game and a carrying case, so other than some Pokemon toys, he's done!  A few presents equals lots of $$$!!!  You know how that is!  The older they get, the smaller and more expensive their gifts!!! Can't wait for you to meet them at the picnic!  They're excited about a new playground and new kids to play with! Happy weekend! Tia
Cira S.
on 7/20/07 12:52 pm - Charles Town , WV
Oh I know how that goes.  With my three oldest I got to the point where we just gave them cash in a card and they would get what they want.  lol   He is lucky I still want a nintendo ds for me!! lol

I am who I am and accept my feelings wholeheartedly.
Those that mind don't matter, and those that matter don't mind.

Cira 249/144.0 current/goal 154/ 5'3" 10 lbs below my Dr's goal
100Cira-1.jpg picture by negra266

on 7/20/07 4:36 am - Columbia, MD
Wow, you have a really busy weekend planned.  Me, well we are just going to keep working on getting ready for our big move which happens next Friday!!!  I am so excited.  We will own our own home, sort of cuz you know the bank owns it for real until we pay it off (in the next lifetime!LOL) or decide to move again.    I think we might be making a quick trip to Fairfax, VA.  The girl that is spending the summer with us has family there and I am thinking of trying to take her down for a visit.  She has been feeling homesick the past couple of days so that might cheer her up.  I am also going to try and head to Frederick, MD to pick up some used furniture, for the basement.  That all depends on whether or not the trailer will hitch up to our truck or not.  We don't have the usual ball trailer hitch so I am not sure if it will work.   Other than that am staying indoors to sort through photos and hopefully begin to organize them for easier scrapbooking.  I have been wanting to do this for a very long time so hopefully I can get to it now.  I would LOVE to have that task checked off of my ever-increasing to do list.     Happy birthday to B!  I hope he enjoys that cake, sounds really yummy!!!  Have a great weekend.  Hugs, Robin
   Life is great!  Learn to love, laugh and have fun everyday; for each day is a gift from God!!!
272/150 down 122 lbs!!! WOW!!
(deactivated member)
on 7/20/07 4:43 am - Middle River, MD

Hey Rob - Nope, just a typical weekend in KB-land!!!  Somewhere in there, too, they need haircuts, but I might wait since K's ears are not a bunch better. I'm so excited that you're putting down roots in Maryland!!!  Are you taking off any time to move or are you going to be Superwoman and try to do it while working full-time, too???  Just think, by Christmas, you'll be all settled - hopefully!!!

I envy you the scrapbooking bug - I just don't have it (sorry, Kelly!).  I consider myself to be very creative, but can't really sit stil/relax enough to do it!! Have fun and drive safe if you get to VA! Tia

on 7/20/07 5:32 am - Columbia, MD
Hey Tia, I am taking some time off, three days!  I don't have any more vacation saved up so that is all I can take.  Since it's happening over the weekend I get those two days so I have 5 days to move.  I have promised Art that after my surgery I won't try to unpack stuff and he is holding me to it so I have to get pretty settled in really quick.  And there is tons to do at work to get ready for me to be out for 3 or 4 weeks!  It's going to be a hectic few weeks but it will ALL be worth it.   Hugs, Robin
   Life is great!  Learn to love, laugh and have fun everyday; for each day is a gift from God!!!
272/150 down 122 lbs!!! WOW!!
on 7/20/07 6:04 am - Anne Arundel County, MD
Hey girlie I'm home from the big Savage Mill adventure with my sis!   I was actually early (it was barely after 10 when I got there .. and that was AFTER the doc and Jiffy Lube .. lol).  Some of the crafters/galleries didn't even open until 11, but we kept busy til about noon then had a nice lunch at Ramshead and a bit more browsing.  I was in a 'rush' to get back because Mr Mo was on his way back from Frostburg.   He actually beat me to the meeting spot by probably about 15 minutes, but considering I hadn't planned on his being home by 2:30 I did well!! My KUB was sort of 'cloudy' and they couldn't see much with the stones (I had bowel gas or something that was obstructing the view).  I am to get back to normal life (which I've been doing for the last 2 weeks anyway) .. I had stopped taking my calcium but she told me to get back to taking everything that I should be taking then they will figure a way to work around it.   In 6 weeks I go back again, and she wants to schedule me for some sort of 24 hour urine test and also blood work.  Have I mentioned that I'm tired of this ??? My sister brought me the sewing machine ... only one problem . there's no manual with it and I can't even get it threaded ... arghhhhh.... getting ready to look on line for a manual / directions of some sort ..  my Singer machine is 60 years old . .this Kenmore has to be at least 25 years old Have to run out to Superfresh and pick up some stuff to take with us in the RV tomorrow.   Need burgers and buns and tater salad .. just easy stuff .. nothing elaborate. Have a wonderful weekend .. I exhausted just looking at the schedule!    Hugs, Mo

Comparison is the thief of joy!

If we spend our time comparing our life/weight loss/body to others, we totally miss what WE have accomplished.   Keep in mind how far you have come and what you can do now that you couldn't do weeks/months/years ago.   I hate the expression " It's all good", but in this case it fits!   Wherever you are in your journey  ... It's ALL good!!!

(deactivated member)
on 7/20/07 8:19 am - Middle River, MD
Hi Lefty's Mom - Hey, once the sewing machine's all together, are you going to make Lefty Halloween costumes?  Oh, he could be a letter carrier - you could make him a little pith helmet!!!!  OR, one of those hats with the ear flaps!!!  OMG!!  The possibilities are endless!!!!!! Okay, that's out of my system.  Glad you had fun your sis - I gotta get Mom down to Savage Mill.  Don't know if I told you, but while we were at the beach, Mom and I went into Berlin - what a cute little town.  We had tea at Tea by the Sea, and explored the antique stores - thereby earning me the title of #1 Daughter!!  ICK!  I really don't like antiquing, but for Mom..... You are going to have beautiful Reggie weather!!!  Have a wonderful, safe trip!!   I'm so sorry about the never-ending-kidney-saga, I can imagine that you ARE mighty tired, physically and emotionally.  Soon, honey, soon!!! Can't wait to see you at the picnic.  Oh, by the way, Mr. Mo MIGHT want to wear a sign that says, "I DO NOT work at Dundalk!!"  I'm not a big fan of their latest female supervisor.  Stupid me for forgetting that the p.o. doesn't care about families, just mail..... Have a fun weekend! Tia
on 7/20/07 11:00 pm - Elkridge, MD
Hey Mo, Sorry to hear about the kidney issues. They never told me to stop taking my calcuim. Weird. Have a great weekend. Take care, Wanda
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