Happy Wednesday!

(deactivated member)
on 7/17/07 9:57 pm - Middle River, MD
Good morning! Wow!  Feels like a rainforest out there this a.m.!!!  Hope everyone is doing well.  I'm sitting here in my freezing office (not complaining), hoping there'll be something for me to do today (complaining).  If not, I may walk over to the public library and check out their selection.  I have to leave early today to take K to the derm for some creeping crud on her face - she's been to the pediatrician six times since March and enough's enough!!  Yesterday, I had to leave early because daycare called and said she was in tears from an earache.  So we went to the doctor's and sure enough, double swimmer's ear!!  Poor thing was in so much pain, it radiated out into her jaw - she fell asleep three times on me, which is rare for her.  So I took her home, gave her Tylenol and her ear drops and a ho****er bottle.  Gary's home with her this a.m., because he said she woke up at 1 a.m. crying from the pain.  So I'll take her to the derm today while Gary stays with B.   So that's it in my little, freezing cold world!!  What's new with everyone?  Looking forward to seeing old and new faces at the picnic, and KB are excited about checking out a new playground! Have a great day! Tia
on 7/17/07 10:09 pm - Anne Arundel County, MD

Good morning Tia! Great minds here!!!   Posting at the same time. 

Poor K with the stuff on her face .. she must be miserable.  Hope they get her better soon so she can enjoy the rest of her summer.

I am looking forward to the weekend.   We are headed to Hagerstown with the new RV (Mr Mo hasn't agreed to the 'Reggie' name yet .. lol) to the World of Outlaws Late Model Race at Hagerstown Speedway.  I'm excited about getting away and about finally seeing the WoO late models! 

Might get together with my sis on Friday too, but it will depend on her working out some child care issues ... my almost 14 y/o nephew demonstrated last week that he is 'challenged' by public transportation.  He had instructions on what bus to get on to get home . and took a definitely WRONG bus and ended up god knows where.  Thank goodness for a kind bus driver who kept him on the bus and brought him back to the starting point where my sister retrieved him. Hugs, Mo

Comparison is the thief of joy!

If we spend our time comparing our life/weight loss/body to others, we totally miss what WE have accomplished.   Keep in mind how far you have come and what you can do now that you couldn't do weeks/months/years ago.   I hate the expression " It's all good", but in this case it fits!   Wherever you are in your journey  ... It's ALL good!!!

(deactivated member)
on 7/17/07 10:17 pm - Middle River, MD
Yep, poor K is right - between her face and her ears, she is one miserable, hormonal little girl!!!   Okay, so I'll work on Mr. Mo with Reggie.  Jeez, has he NO sense of humor?  Oh, that's right, I forgot, when you make p.o. management, you need to turn that in!!  The p.o. is NOT my fave place right now - after 12-1/2 years of being on the ot list, Gary finally got off of it, only to continually be forced out.  They won't give the union time and tempers are frayed in Dundalk!!  Gary working ot is taking a toll on me, too.  Unfortunately, the feds are just like the State, no concern for personal lives. Hey, there's nothing wrong with being directionally or transportation-challenged - said the girl who got us lost in White Marsh!!!!! Have a great time this weekend, hope you get some time with your sis!!   Smoochies, Tia
on 7/18/07 3:05 am - Columbia, MD

Hi Tia, I wish I had half of your energy.  You keep up with those babies and their schedules so wonderfully, and work a full time job too!!  I am really lagging in energy today, and I've been hungry all day.  I missed the gym the last two days so I am not sure if that is why I am so tired.  I really need to make sure I get in some exercise every day.  I just feel better when I do.  I have had a lot on my mind lately with the move and upcoming surgery.  That is probably keeping me from getting really good restful sleep.  I did just finish working out for today so maybe I'll get a little energy pick up soon.  Poor K!  I am sorry she is not feeling well.  I hope the derm can help her out.  Please give her my best and a hug. 

Have a great day!   Hugs, Robin

   Life is great!  Learn to love, laugh and have fun everyday; for each day is a gift from God!!!
272/150 down 122 lbs!!! WOW!!
(deactivated member)
on 7/18/07 3:34 am - Middle River, MD
Hiya Rob! Yep, sometimes I wonder where I get the energy from.  I do know that pre-op, when I wasn't doing all of this, I was still exhausted.  Now I'm able to do more for longer.  Thank goodness for my desk pad calendar, which looks like KB's world!!!  I can't believe school starts in a month, we've got to get on the stick with buying school supplies, and K's middle school physical is scheduled for the week prior to school starting.  I know she won't be happy if we can't get this impetigo/eczema or whatever it is cleared up - it's been 5 months already and it clears up, comes right back, and so on.  It bleeds, too, when it gets really dry and itches.  I told her I would get it taken care of no matter what it took, so I'm glad they're seeing us today. I feel kind of sluggish in the a.m. when I first get up, but once I'm showered and the makeup's on, it's alright.  It helps, too, that Dad brings me home a ginormous iced coffee from Dunkin' Donuts, too.  Plus, I stop at Starbucks on the way for another one and drink 1-2 bottles of water before I get to work.  So, by the time I get here, I'm wired and I have to potty!!!   YOU have got a full plate, too, what with the move and the surgery.  I know that the surgery especially, requires a lot of mental prep, but being a military spouse, I know you won't let your country down!  hehehehe!!! What are the girls up to this summer?  Working?  Playing?  We need to try to get together soon!!  Are you coming to the picnic?  How about crabs? Have a good afternoon, Tia
on 7/18/07 5:40 am - Columbia, MD
I won't be at the picnic but I will be at crabs!  We will be busy painting the new house and cleaning the old house next weekend with the move.   Stephanie has been working a lot this summer.  She works at an Alzheimers assisted living home.  She loves the job.  They offered her more hours over the summer and she glady accepted even though I told her she didn't have to.  She usually works about 12 hours a week plus two weekends (16 hours each) a month and then added an extra two days and full hours on the short days.  I felt bad that she took all of those hours but she wants to do it.  Besides, if she wasn't working she would be sitting around the house bored and eating.  That's not a good thing!  Stephanie & Meghan are getting ready for their Fine Arts National competition (its a talent competition through our church, the Assembly of God).  They are going to Indianapolis in Aug for a week.  Meghan has a babysitting job for a couple of weeks in August so that will help to keep her busy.  Of course they have their youth group and worship team stuff too.  Thankfully they get along better than in their younger years because they spend a lot of time together.   We have my best friends daughter spending the summer with us.  She will be leaving Aug 4th.  It's been great to have her around.  I think she has blossomed a bit.  She is a real mama's girl and has lived a very sheltered life.  (even more than my girls!)  I think it's been good for her to be away from mom for a bit before going off to college (only 45 min from her home so she ain't going far).   Of course now I have the girls busy keeping the house straight (to show to potential renters) and cleaning out their rooms, getting rid of stuff they don't want/need.  Moving is great for cleaning out clutter!  I have always liked that part of moving.  And then opening the boxes on the other end is fun.   Almost like Christmas, only this time we won't be without our stuff but for a couple of days.  Still its going to be great.  I am excited about decorating the way I want.   Well, I have "talked" your ear off.  We do need to get together soon.  Definitely for crabs if not before!   Hugs, Robin
   Life is great!  Learn to love, laugh and have fun everyday; for each day is a gift from God!!!
272/150 down 122 lbs!!! WOW!!
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