i never feel full
I am assuming you are still on the liquid diet. By now, you might be eating yogurts, puddings, and such. Remember, they are semi-liquids. Okay-
Don't test the waters. I'm not finger shaking. Doing things like drinking while you are eating sets you up for problems. We can drink while we eat. It will fill you faster. But the liquid also will flush what nutrition you have eaten out of your pouch. You don't want that to happen. Stick to the 30 minute rule.
As to not feeling full, I can't answer that. I don't think that early on you have the healed nerve endings to trigger a full feeling. I think the most important sense you need to look for is Do you feel sastified? We no longer have to push ourselves to get that "Oh No I ate too much feeling!" that we used to with our new tools. We are learning how NOT to do that.
Dumping is no fun. Hopefully, you will never experience it. You will most likely have the chance at dumping once you start to eat real food- even the very soft and ground up consistency foods. I have dumped. I have only had a few serious dumping episodes. Once is enough to teach you that you never want to do it again. I think my first real bad dump came from tuna fish. I had gotten it from my work lunch room. They must have put sugar in it. Three bites into the it and I was green. I started to nauseate, shake, and sweat. Once I threw up, I began to feel better, but I was left feeling drained.
This is an important time to learn your new lifestyle. Best wishes and good luck!!!
The love of my OH Family has me humbled!!!!
Let me start by saying that I haven't had my surgery yet so I may not be the best one to comment. However, I'm very concerned that you've come all this way, had the surgery and are eating and drinking at the same time. In addition, you don't know what dumping is. This is basic info.
I'm not trying to be mean or anything but these surgeries are a very serious and it is very important that you educate yourself about them and all the ins and outs of the new lifestyle you have to live. Please listen to what Aime and all the other long-timers here have to say and take it to heart. I also suggest you read read read this site and others. Maybe you should even attend another seminar??? Your best weapon is not so much the surgery itself as it is the knowledge of how to use the surgery.
I honestly and sincerely wish you the best,
Ok, I went back and re-read all the info in the packages. I am not saying i am not following the program, I am saying I don't feel that full feeling if I drink and eat. I am a big time liquid consummer. I would rather drink anymore then eat. I can't eat the Puddings and jellos anymore because the taste of anything sugery is gross now.( A good thing I beleive.) I plan on call my dr tommorow. They told me at the hospitle that I needed to drink a lot of water every day. but I cant eat with out drinking. I can't get the food down. I am still looosing weight.
Today I am following the diet to a T except the jellos and puddings I'm just doing the brooths and yougarts and cottage cheeses. I will wait till tommorow and see if ther is a change.
Ok, First I want to thank all you guys for being here. I revamped my ways today and I think I can fix my own problem. I am eating to fast. I spent tonight eating very slowly and filled up in no time. I am so use to being on the move. I need to slow down. Thanks again for all your help. glad i found out about this sight....
In the beginning, you likely won't feel very full on liquids. Water shouldn't make you feel full unless you are gulping it and then you might feel pain/discomfort instead of feeling full. I don't recommend that. Sipping is best. It isn't easy to consume all of the required water and food. I know that I felt like I was constantly watching the clock for the first few months. No drinking 30 min prior to and 30-45 minutes after "eating". Meals should take you 20-30 min to consume. Any shorter than that and you are eating too fast, any longer and you are in danger of "grazing" which is not a good habit to get into. Even 2-4 oz of pudding, yogurt and such should take you 20 min to consume. When you move to more solid foods you will get full. Just make sure you measure everything carefully and stick to the plan. I know how tedious clock watching can be but it is well worth it. At 8 days out you shouldn't be trying to eat solid foods yet, cottage cheese should be the most dense food you should be eating right now. (Unless of course your doc has given the ok for more solid food.)
It's a lot of work and thinking on our parts but it is worth it and these are great habits to develop for the future. I highly recommend the book "Succes Habits of Weigth Loss Surgery Patients", by Coleen Cook. Excellent advise. I re-read the book every couple of months to remind myself of the rules.
I wish you the best. Hugs, Robin

272/150 down 122 lbs!!! WOW!!