Plastic Surgery Date
As many of you know, I have been hoping & waiting to have plastic surgery. My surgery date is August 14th! That's in one month!!! It will be here before I know it. With buying the house and moving and an office move to prepare for and earnings season at work, I will be super busy and the time will fly by. I am so happy that this is going to happen.
I am having a Lower Body Lift - minus the inner thighs. They are going to cut all the way around my bikini line, complete a tummy tuck with muscle tightening, lipo the outer things, buttocks and lift the outer thighs and butt, removing excess skin in the process. (all said in extreme layman's terms
) I hope that the results are what I am expecting. My surgeon isn't going to do the inner thighs at this time because he feels that 6-7 hours in surgery is enough and the blood loss is a concern. He also feels that the recovery from both procedures would be very difficult. I can appreciate that. I will probably go back before next summer to have the inner thighs, breasts and possibly arms done. I know that this surgery will be much more difficult for me to recover from in comparison to the RNY. I am nervous and excited and scared, but ready for this next step in my WLS journey.
I will keep you all posted on how things are going. I have my pre-op appts on Aug 8th. Wow, I can hardly believe that this is really happening! Thanks for letting me share. I am going to be hitting the gym with a mad force to tone as much as possible in the next few weeks. The more I can do before will likely give me an advantage in recovery/healing.
Hugs, Robin

272/150 down 122 lbs!!! WOW!!
I wish you the best and hope for a speedy recovery. Wish I could join you in the plastics journey, but I don't expect to be able myself for at least another year. I've gained 4-5 pounds while on vacation and now have to get them off along with the other 30 or so pounds. Are you planning on staying in PA a few days afterwards?
Robin D.
Hi Robin.. Congrats on your scheduled date!! Also, in doing the inner thighs last, they may not need to do as much once you heal from the body lift. I am having my lower body lift next Friday. Afterwards I will schedule my arms and breast.. then my thighs.
Keep us posted on your progress through the surgery.
Good Luck to ya!
Robin, you deserve to move onto this next step in your WLS journey. I'm happy, nervous, envious and scared for you. Plastics really play a mind game with me, but as time goes by I can see the advantages of getting the skin removed. Keep your positive attitude. It will do you well during recovery. Best of luck!
"Ours not to reason why, Ours but to do and die". Alfred Lord Tennyson
Best wishes on the next phase of your WLS journey!
Hugs, Mo
Comparison is the thief of joy!
If we spend our time comparing our life/weight loss/body to others, we totally miss what WE have accomplished. Keep in mind how far you have come and what you can do now that you couldn't do weeks/months/years ago. I hate the expression " It's all good", but in this case it fits! Wherever you are in your journey ... It's ALL good!!!
Congrats on your PS date!
You seem to have good expectations with regards to the recovery process - I agree with you that this has been worse than the Lap RNY. I don't say that to scare you, just to agree with you. Although it has been worse, it has not been intolerable or unbearable. I guess the thing I didn't realize is that some of the consequences of healing (swelling, numbness) can go on for months afterward. I was thinking once I was over the initial surgery pain, it would be done with. My doctor told me I would feel like I had been hit by a truck, but then it would get better. I had the truck feeling for about a week or so and then it has gotten better. It will be 8 weeks this coming Wednesday and I still have some muscle pain where she tightened the abdominal muscles and some swelling and numbness/tingling (nerves regenerating) feeling. Like I said, it has not been intolerable or unbearable, just uncomfortable. The doctor told me that my recovery would be 6-8 weeks. I go back to work on Monday the 23rd (exactly 2 months after surgery).
Now, that being said. Having a flat stomach for the first time since I can remember (even with swelling) is marvelous! I would do this again in a heartbeat. It's wonderful to be able to tuck tshirts into jeans/shorts or to wear short tops without worrying about my belly sticking out. I am so pleased by the outcome of this (even now and I know it's going to get better) that I am seriously considering scheduling the upper body for late October.
I'm sure you'll do fine with your LBL and recovery will be fine, just take it easy and don't push yourself too much, it really is a process.