update on surgery.
hi everyone, i have some good news and bad news. the good news is, i got my phone call already for my surgery date. 

!!!! the bad news is that they won't give me a date until i pay the 500 dollars. and i can't do that until the first part of august. but i was thinking my surgery was going to be in sept. or oct. anyway. so thats not to bad. i am just going to have to work really hard to get this money together really fast. but it's hard when you only get a check once a month. i will keep you all posted some how. i can't believe this is really going to happen.
nervousness is setting in now. also can't wait for the picnic. love tammy

Hi Tammy,
Congratulations! I know you will have that date soon. Waiting is the worst part of this whole process. Your date will be in God's perfect timing and plan for you. The next two weeks will fly by for you.
Just keep yourself busy and it'll be here before you know it.
Hugs, Robin

272/150 down 122 lbs!!! WOW!!
Hi Tammy,
Congrats on hour surgery date!!! I know what you mean about waiting. I was approved by in April and my surgery is scheduled for July 31st. I hate to wait due to my job... waited for the slowest month of the year - August ;-) But the time flew and it's now only 2 weeks away.
Keep us posted.
thanks everyone. my surgery date isn't official yet but i am determined to get the $500 together before the 1st of the month. if i do i won't have to go for another weigh in. i will just have to call them and tell them i have the money and send it to them and then they will set my date. i am very excited and nervous all at the same time. but from what i gather from everyone else on here, that is perfectly normal. i just want to thank everyone for being here for me. it has been i very big help and an inspiration to me to keep going when i felt like giving up. i know i can do it. if i can quit smoking, which i thought i would never do, i can do just about anything. and yes get that loser seat cleaned off. i will be there in no time. love to everyone tammy

move over everyone here i come.