How long before you went back to work???
That will probably be between you and your doctor, but how long you need to be off will also depend on what kind of work you do.
I had open RNY on 3/22/04. I went back to work two weeks to the day after my surgery. My incision was healed, and I had a fairly sedentary desk job. The first week I was back, I worked 4 to 5 hours / day and went home. The second week, I worked 6 to 7 hr/day. By the 3rd week back, I was working a full 8 plus hour day.
Often times, you are restricted from driving for 2 weeks following surgery, so that plays a part in when you can go back also.
Some people want to stay out as long as they possibly can, while others are limited because they don't have that much time to take off and sometimes end up going back too soon because of that.
Best wishes on your WLS journey.
Hugs, Mo
Comparison is the thief of joy!
If we spend our time comparing our life/weight loss/body to others, we totally miss what WE have accomplished. Keep in mind how far you have come and what you can do now that you couldn't do weeks/months/years ago. I hate the expression " It's all good", but in this case it fits! Wherever you are in your journey ... It's ALL good!!!
2 weeks. I had lap RNY. I wish I had gone back 1/2 days the first week. I was ready to be there though as I was going stir crazy at home. I don't think you need to worry about the foods at home. If you are having RNY, you won't really desire anything for a while.
The love of my OH Family has me humbled!!!!
I was out for three weeks. I planned to go back after just two but had to be rehospitalized for dehydration. I worked as a bank teller at the time so I was on my feet the entire day. I was very exhausted every day after work and literally came home and sat on my butt until time for bed for the first 2-3 weeks after I went back to work. However, I was not really good about getting in my protein in the beginning so I am sure if you keep up your protein intake and water you will feel fine.
I was allowed to drive as soon as I stopped taking pain medication. I didn't take anything for pain after my 4th day out. I had lap RNY on 3/15/06. I didn't feel well enough to drive until another two weeks later but could have done it if I had to. I wish you all the best!!!
Hugs, Robin

272/150 down 122 lbs!!! WOW!!
My Surgery was Thursday sept 17, 2003 and I was sitting at my desk Monday Sept 21st :-) I really had an easy time, never even used the pain meds in hospital (see why I love Doc Roe? lol)
I know my time off was quick but I was good, slower than usual but good. I guess I should state here that I tend to be a stubborn pig headded fool anyway :-)
RNY 9/17/03 Dr. Roe
360/200/still aiming at 180
Hi T. I had Lap-Band and was out one week. My surgeon prefers 2 weeks out but said that I could be out just one since I sit at a desk. I did very well with the surgery and didn't use any pain meds once they stopped my morphine drip. Like our surgeries, everything is individual. If your surgery is open, you'll be out longer, Maybe plan on two weeks. What does your surgeon suggest?
I'm having surgery at the end of this month w/ Dr. Roe... he suggested for me to be off of work for 6-8 weeks, but he did say some of his patiences went back in a week or two, but he does not prefer that. So I'm taking 6 weeks off - plus I was approved for short term disability which helps ;-) If I didn't have that... I would probably be going back in 2 weeks ;-)
Good Luck,