What isn't fun...
is eating a simple dinner and ending up in so much pain you are ready for the ER. I am not certain what caused it, but I hurt so bad last night. I had grilled some chicken breasts (eaten before), and made some broccoli. I think it was the broccolli. I had pains in my entire abdomen and up my back. I finally
twice. I was glad I was doing that as I was sure I would feel better. Nope!! The waves of pain just kept coming. I paced and paced. I did burp some. I was finally so exhausted I was able to sleep.

The love of my OH Family has me humbled!!!!
(((( Aime ))))
Sorry you had a rough time! I still get sick relatively often (it goes in spells it would seem) but not with pains in my abdomen. I feel more like there is an elephant sitting on my breast bone and I am generally uncomfortable.
Often times a good burp will get me straight too.
Hugs, Mo
Comparison is the thief of joy!
If we spend our time comparing our life/weight loss/body to others, we totally miss what WE have accomplished. Keep in mind how far you have come and what you can do now that you couldn't do weeks/months/years ago. I hate the expression " It's all good", but in this case it fits! Wherever you are in your journey ... It's ALL good!!!