just to let everyone know what has been going on with me. well my internet connectione wil be cut off any day now because i have to get it and my house phone cut off so i can get my 500 dollars together for my surgery. i had my final weigh in yesterday and saw dvr, sloane, and the other lady about all my testing. can't remember her name. dvr said they will be sending all my paper work to my insurance company for approval. i gained 2 pounds in a month which i didn't think was bad because of me not smoking. it seemed to me that i gained 10 pounds.. anyway it is now the waiting game. i want to thank all of you for all your support and encouragement when i needed it. it has been 50 days since i smoked and now since i think i have that licked i can now really concentrate on my eating and trying to lose weight before surgery. so if everything goes well, i will see some of you at the picnic. love to everyone.
