Okay, so I'm more than 68 pounds lighter than last summer (even than 9 months ago) so needless to say I needed some shorts! I gave away my entire summer wardrobe to Kelly and the Crofton Group before I bought a new one so I had to go get some clothes this weekend. Today I bought two pairs of jean shorts (mysize 20 jeans seem to be getting loose, Heather Mod-E said my a$$ was super baggy, so I thought I'd try an 18) and they were in the LADIES department NOT WOMEN'S PLUS SIZE!!!!! WOOOOHOOOOO! I actually felt like I belonged there and didn't feel like people were looking at me like I was shopping in the wrong department. I just got a fill last week that has kicked in rather nicely. My sweet spot even (LapBand lingo hehehe), never had good restriction like this in a long time so I expect these shorts to fit for a month or two before they will need to be replaced! hehehe All
the Lapband!!!

Congrats and happy shopping!!!!Since I look like an apple I dream of the day when I dont need 4 sizes bigger to cover the belly then look like I had an accident in the rear with two skinny legs attached. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh to shop.
Woohoo for you~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have fun with the new wardrobe!!!
That is great!!! I am still amazed at my clothes when I hold them up. I recently gave away about 4 garbage bags full of clothes. As I was helping the person look through them, I couldn't believe how far I have come in 9 months. 2 of me would fit in the pants I wore in October. Keep working that tool!!!
The love of my OH Family has me humbled!!!!