Hey all - I've been seriously MIA from posting here, although I have been trying to read, I haven't really had the opportunity to respond to most posts. We are OC bound tomorrow! And I am soooo looking forward to this, I need it so badly!!! June was a pretty horrid month, filled with personal and professional disappointments. I really wanted to crawl back under my rock, but the Heathers keep dragging me back out!! Man, are they strong!!! On a much happier, prouder note, my sweet Kaity graduated from 5th grade and received tons of awards, including the Academic Excellence Award for having all A's & B's throughout her first five years of school, Band Member of the Year, Gym Helper of the Year, Art Excellence Award and a host of other certificates! We are just so proud of her! Brian will advance to the 3rd grade, and his report card was just awesome - all A's & B's, too!! Their academic successes come very easily to them, which is a blessing for us, because I don't think I could help them with their homework!! I definitely am not smarter than my 5th grader!!
We're staying at the Bay Princess on 81st Street and the Bay - it's a 3 bedroom condo, so hopefully, we won't be tripping over each other. And, thank goodness for Gary's CPAP, because now I won't have to hear his snores reverberate throughout the condo!!! The condo has a nice pool, and I've already got my books lined up! Oh, I am soooo ready for this. The only downside is that I have to board Molly at the vet's. I HATE leaving her, she's my baby, although she's going to be 12, I'm just so afraid something will happen to her when I'm not here. But the girls at the vet's just love her, she's such a smiley dog, and I know she'll be in good hands. Plus, her cousins, Mickey and Killian (Gary's furbabies), will be there, too. When we pick her up next Saturday, they'll give us a report card on her and she always gets high marks!!! So, sorry I haven't been around much, the light under my rock isn't the greatest! Moie, I hope everything goes okay with the stent removal and that you're feeling up to par soon. For those who are xperiencing problems with DVR/Dr. Moen's office, I implore you to contact Margie von Rueden, DVR's wife, who is also sort of a patient advocate, along with Cherie. I know they'd want to know all this stuff. I have to say that I've never experienced any problems with them, but it seems as if their practice has grown a lot in the past two years. But call, and don't leave messages - I think prompt #6 will get you to a live person. Best of luck to everyone who is awaiting a date or their surgery, and to those who are fighting the insurance fight - it's not a fight I envy.
If you're newly post-op and going through a rough patch, just remember the first six weeks are the worst, but it does get better. Hope everyone has a wonderful week and I'll be in touch when I'm back on the 14th!!!! Smoochies, Tia

Comparison is the thief of joy!
If we spend our time comparing our life/weight loss/body to others, we totally miss what WE have accomplished. Keep in mind how far you have come and what you can do now that you couldn't do weeks/months/years ago. I hate the expression " It's all good", but in this case it fits! Wherever you are in your journey ... It's ALL good!!!
I am who I am and accept my feelings wholeheartedly.
Those that mind don't matter, and those that matter don't mind.
Cira 249/144.0 current/goal 154/ 5'3" 10 lbs below my Dr's goal