Some Dates For The Telescope Guy...
Hi All, Since I have gotten a couple of private e-mails with questions, I thought I would post to the group.
I am an amature astronomer (as well as a post-op patient) that likes to share this hobby with the public. I occasionally set up my telescopes in public places and let anyone who wanders by take a look! Since it is usually a bright location we can only see the brightest objects...but they are still fun to look at through a scope! Here are the dates in July and where I will be... Saturday July 7th - 7pm until about 11:30 pm - The Cow - 200 Main Street in Reisterstown Friday July 20th - 8pm until about 11:00 pm - Constellation Book Store - 303 Main Street in Reisterstown - For the Harry Potter Book Party
Tuesday July 24th - 6pm until 10pm - The Cow - Reisterstown Saturday July 28th - 7pm until 11:00 pm - The Cow - Reisterstown *** Here are some dates that include observing but that I won't be there for: Friday July 13th - 2pm until 6pm - Shore Leave 29 - Hunt Valley Marriot Saturday July 14th - 10am until 6pm - Shore Leave 29 - Hunt Valley Marriot Friday July 20th - 7:30pm - Bear Branch Nature Center - 200 John Owings Road - Westminster, MD - There is a planetarium show before hand that involves a $2 fee. But they generally observe afterwards, in the parking lot, for free. Saturday July 21st - 8pm - 11pm - Soldiers Delight Nature Center, Deer Park Road, Owings Mills, Md. - There is an indoor program for about 40 minutes then they walk to the observing field and will have telescopes set up. Hope you get to enjoy some of the night (or daytime) sky through a telescope. Clear Skies,
Every morning in

Every morning in

Comparison is the thief of joy!
If we spend our time comparing our life/weight loss/body to others, we totally miss what WE have accomplished. Keep in mind how far you have come and what you can do now that you couldn't do weeks/months/years ago. I hate the expression " It's all good", but in this case it fits! Wherever you are in your journey ... It's ALL good!!!