Whoo hoo!!! Got a surprise today
I went for my weight in today and did lose 2 lbs. I was so happy to see that because I do not have a scale and I certainly could not feel a 2lb weight loss.
Anyway, I had to talk to Kathy after meeting with Sloan and she said next month is your last weight in. I was so surprised. My initial visit was counted as my first month weight in which was 2/14. So, I am a little closer than I thought.
Now, for anyone who has Carefirst BC/BS....did you have to get 5 years of obesity history from your PCP?

Hi Gail,
Guess I was lucky I have MDIPA Blue Cross with the State . They did make me do the 6 month diet but I never had to submit any information , DVR's office took care of all that for me. All I had to do with my PCP was just ask for the re-slip to see DVR. You are on your way now, I know it seems like a long road but you will be on the bench in no time flat. Best of Luck to you, it's a wonderful ride.
Bobbie (Barbara).
Hi Gail,
I remember being all excited too when they told me that when I had my consulation that was considered as the first visit. You are so close girl I so happy for you. I am actually polishing off a seat for yo and Darla!!
Best wishes
I am who I am and accept my feelings wholeheartedly.
Those that mind don't matter, and those that matter don't mind.
Cira 249/144.0 current/goal 154/ 5'3" 10 lbs below my Dr's goal