Alittle advice anyone?
Hi all,
Yesterday I had wrist surgery to remove a cyst. The little bugger was way deep in there and so the Dr had to go into the joint to get it all. The cyst also was wrapped around a nerve, so that explained why I had so much pain there right before surgery.
So, my question is... does anyone know of a pain med that is safe for my pouch but strong? I'm taking percocet (sp?) now and it's not really covering the pain (hence the fact that I'm up at 3:46 in the morning!!!). It makes me a little loopy but the pain is still very much there! The dr asked what pain med works for me, but I don't know since having RNY. Any ideas?
Thanks a bunch in advance!!! I want to get this pain under control so I can go to the zoo this Sunday

My doctor sent me home with liquid lortab from the hospital after my RNY, and each time I've had one of the kidney stone attacks I've used lortab ( both the 5/500 and the 7.5/500 doses). I have a reaction to percoset that it makes me quite nauseous.
Best wishes for a quick recovery with the wrist.
Hugs, Mo
Hi Sue
I didnt know you were having wrists urgery. Glad it went well. I would call your surgeon and ask him. I have only taken bayer for headaches and it still works for me. But call your surgeon. So your gonna come to the Zoo? Great. It will be alot of fun and good walking. I have been saying the zoo song all week. (my husband says I'm wierd) It's gonna be great weather to , they said 79. Hope your wrist feels better and you get some rest. Let me know if ou are gonna come so we know who to wait for at the ticket booths.
Hi Sue,
I had liquid Roxicet when I came home from surgery and that worked wonders for me.I hope you find something to help you with the pain.
I am who I am and accept my feelings wholeheartedly.
Those that mind don't matter, and those that matter don't mind.
Cira 249/144.0 current/goal 154/ 5'3" 10 lbs below my Dr's goal