3-year anniversary musings / treadmill
Hi folks . . . this weekend will mark my 3rd year anniversary of the RNY procedure which I credit for saving my life. I have been doing a lot of thinking this week about how my life has changed (for the better) since my decision to have WLS in June 2004.
Back then, I was unable to walk even short distances without being totally winded. Bending and squatting (and then getting back up) was difficult, and I had body aches and pains constantly -- knee joints, ankles, lower back. I had given up almost all pleasurable activities as my size was interfering with my mobility. I had isolated myself into virtually having no social life at all, as I was so self-conscious about myself I preferred to just stay inside and engage in my vicious cycle of depression - binge eating - tv watching. I had spent close to ten years with a marital partner who was becoming increasingly abusive, verbally and physically. I guess I was hanging on to that farce of a relationship because I thought I couldn't do any better at the time.
The thing I was most ashamed about was the inability to interact with my young children -- I had to turn down a chaperoning opportunity for my autistic son's field trip that summer as I knew I could not withstand the heat and full-day's walk at the zoo. THAT was the final straw for me, missing out on my kids' lives.
With the help of this website and the wonderful Maryland support group folks, I was steered through all of the hoops from pre-op through post-op . . . and I have met some wonderful folks along the way. I was blessed to have an insurance plan that paid for the lap rny . . . and a subsequent hernia repair/tummy tuck at 18 months out.
I started out at 308 . . . and got down to 148 for about 5 seconds before landing permanently in the 158-165 range. I am now a solid size 10, with a few 8's thrown in if they're spandex LOL. A far cry from the 5X clothing I was living in as a miserable pre-op! LIFE IS GOOD!!!
I finally gained my self-esteem back and last winter ditched the abusive partner for good. It's been a financial struggle ever since, which has found me moving my kids and myself up to Delaware to reside with my mother and start fresh up here. I'm meeting new friends, engaging in exercise activities (volleyball and baseball leagues), in short, my life is so much different now. I could not be happier!
We have decided to stay up here permanently (Eastern shore area near Rehoboth Beach, DE) and this weekend I will be coming down to Annapolis to clear out my storage room. One thing I will not be able to bring up here is my brand-new treadmill which has all of 12 miles logged onto it. (My mom has one up here that I've been using while mine's been in storage). If anyone is interested in purchasing this from me, I would be happy to meet you in Annapolis on Monday afternoon/evening to let you take a look at it -- I paid $700 for it and would like to get at least half that amount. It has all the bells and whistles LOL, a commercial-strength Proform model. Please feel free to email me privately at [email protected] if you are interested.
308/160 5'5"
lap rny 6/04 TT 11/05
Congratulations on your 3 year anniversary! What an inspiration! You look amazing, the difference is simply stunning. Thanks for sharing your story with us. I hope you have continued joy and success in your life. It sounds like things are improving after a bit of a rough spot. I wish you all the best in DE. Change is never easy but usually necessary and a good thing. I sure wish I could buy your treadmill. I want one at home but we are already putting out a lot of money this summer for the house and the girls summer trip. I am sure you will find someone to buy it though, it sounds like a great deal. Take care and stay in touch. Hugs, Robin

272/150 down 122 lbs!!! WOW!!