Guess I'm just not ready yet
Every morning in
I am who I am and accept my feelings wholeheartedly.
Those that mind don't matter, and those that matter don't mind.
Cira 249/144.0 current/goal 154/ 5'3" 10 lbs below my Dr's goal
I, too, believe Dave has it right on! I couldn't support you any better than Dave. I had surgery in January, 2006 and I still have doubts that I did the right thing. Now, knowing what I know now (that I would be complication and weight free) I would do it again. My biggest, personal, issue is that I am upset with having to have a surgical procedure to "fix" something that I brought on myself.
I didn't have the health problems that you have, was in the category for the lowest chance of risks, but none the less, there was always the chance of risk. For me, this surgery has been a blessing and God has surely taken good care of me because I've had no problems from beginning to present. I am 17 months post op from RNY, have lost 105 pounds, was a size 26/28W and now wear a 12...sometimes a L shirt and sometimes and XL depending on how it is made. It was a big, big decision and definately not one that I took lightly. I almost had a nervous breakdown the night before surgery with my wonderful husband scared to death because he didn't know how to help me. The nurse from my surgeon's office was FANTASTIC and talked me through the evening. The next morning I cried the entire time, until sedation, that is. :o) My point, it is a difficult decision. But I would do it again. Best wishes. Keep us posted. Stay on your 6 month plan because you may change your mind. Kim P.
The love of my OH Family has me humbled!!!!
I took over 5 years to decide the surgury was the answer for me so I well understand where you are coming from. My suggestion go to the seminar; find a support group you can sit in on. I have been to two so far and have left feeling that Yes this is the answer to
my problem. I have high bloodpressure, diabetes, sleepapnea and thyroid problems. I want to be around for a while so my surgury is set for next Thursday: am I nervous? Hell YES but I have faith in God that this is his plan for me, Take care

272/150 down 122 lbs!!! WOW!!
Jane, You and I must be on the same wave length. I too am not 100% sure that this is what I want to do. I have been seeing a nutrionist, had my psych evaluation (which I did pass), keeping records of what I eat and attending support groups. Listening to the stories and seeing the results are amazing to me. But am I convinced that this for me? Yes and no. Don't give in to that little guy/gal sitting on your shoulder whispering those negative thoughts. Occasionally, I have to knock my little guy/gal upside the head and tell it to go away. The only suggestion I can make is to go forward with the seminar and learn all that you can. I will bet that if you ask each and every one that has had the surgery if they had any reservations about having it, they will tell you that they did.