Update to Endoscopy Tomorrow....
I am who I am and accept my feelings wholeheartedly.
Those that mind don't matter, and those that matter don't mind.
Cira 249/144.0 current/goal 154/ 5'3" 10 lbs below my Dr's goal

272/150 down 122 lbs!!! WOW!!
Kelly, I have no idea where to begin. That is just horrible.
Be careful dealing with your surgeon from this point on. Recording is a good idea, but make sure he knows you are recording. It is actually against the law (in MD, DC and VA) to record someone without their knowledge (ie Linda Tripp...). Just be up front and put the recorder down in front of him and make sure you say your are recording (with the recorder on). Now...that said...he probably will not be as open with a recorder in front of him...so a witness is also a good idea. Make sure it is not one of his office staff either.
I would not expect much from your meeting. He is going to want to review what happened and will insist that he actually seperated the stomach and it found its way back together (this was something listed as a possible complication in the literature I received before surgery). Even with the seperation, if the two pieces find each other and adhere, they can reform. But...the likely hood was so remote... Document, Document, Document! You should be used to doing that by now. Keep records of everything and pull out anything your were give pre-op. The more you have the better chance you have at getting things resolved quickly and in your favor.
I am so sorry you are going through this. Keep your chin up and keep pushing forward. You will get through this and be a stronger person for it. (always trying to be positive!). On a positive note. You lost 30+ lbs in two months without using the tool! I am truly impressed! Keep us informed!
Every morning in

Every morning in
So sad Kelly....Sending you a hug... i read your concern about your November trip to Disney....
Having gone 6 times over the last couple years as a Pooh sized gal, i can tell you...dont' worry about any of the rides.... I can get you a link to a site dis tips for larger folks if you want it... Disney is so people friendly all types and shapes fit their rides... You'll even find people there much bigger than you wearing swimsuits and having fun.
Now universal (that's a different story)...
Hello Kelly I am sorry you have this situation brought to you. I remember my surgeon telling me, that she had complications before and she had to go back and fix things. And I still chose her because I was confident in what she can do and also she never had a lose.
After reading both your posts on the main board(orginial, and updated) I think that you should do what your heart wants you to do. We are here for advice but you make all the decisions. And yes this is a big one.
So many people here gave you all the advice you need and I know with Prayer you will make the right one. Good Luck and please keep us posted. Here's a spirital kiss honey.