Heat and WLS!
I think I learned a very valuable lesson this past weekend. It seems that the heat will be taking MORE of a toll on me than in summers past now. I went to Gettysburg with a friend for the day Saturday. And I was bad about sipping all day....very bad....and boy did I feel it! Thinking back, I am pretty sure I was on the brink of dehydration. Even though I had sipped a 17 oz Propel on the way up, and a 24 oz water walking the battlefields, I needed more. And actually had a hard time eating more than 2 or 3 bites at any of my 4 mini meals. Once I got home and had a couple SF icy pops and another BIG glass of water I was ok, but boy the pouch was not very happy with me!
For the other newbies out there...and to myself...remember to sip ALL day!!!